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Examples and Resources to Support Criminal Justice Entities in Compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act | PDF
This document provides guidance to facilitate criminal justice entities’ compliance with the ADA in their interactions with individuals with mental health disabilities or intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). The guidance sets forth the key regulatory provisions under the ADA and provides examples of how local law enforcement, corrections, and justice systems entities have facilitated compliance with these obligations. It also provides recommendations for training criminal justice personnel, conducting reviews of policies and procedures, and collaborating with mental health and disability service providers and provides examples from the Department’s criminal justice enforcement actions, with links to additional governmental resources. (2017)
Questions and Answers: The Americans with Disabilities Act and Persons with HIV/AIDS (HTML) | (PDF) (En espaƱol (HTML) | (PDF)) -- A 14-page publication explaining the rights of persons with HIV/AIDS under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the requirements of the ADA for employers, businesses and non-profit agencies that serve the public, and State and local governments to avoid discriminating against persons with HIV/AIDS. (2016)
ADA Checklist for Polling Places | PDF
This 25-page document is an updated technical assistance publication on polling place accessibility for voters with disabilities. The publication includes information about key areas of a facility that must be accessible to voters with mobility or vision disabilities, options for low-cost temporary measures for removing barriers, and a survey to guide election officials in evaluating the accessibility of facilities used or being considered for use as polling places. (2016)
ADA Compliance Brief: Restriping Parking Spaces | PDF This four-page document provides guidance on requirements for accessible parking spaces when parking facilities are restriped. (2015)
Supplement to the 2013 DOJ/DOT Joint Technical Assistance on the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act Requirements To Provide Curb Ramps when Streets, Roads, or Highways are Altered through Resurfacing (2015)
Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Transportation (DOT) Joint Technical Assistance -- ADA Title II Requirements to Provide Curb Ramps when Streets, Roads, or Highways are Altered through Resurfacing | PDF (2013)
Glossary of Terms for DOJ/DOT Joint Technical Assistance on the ADA Title II Requirements to Provide Curb Ramps When Streets Roads or Highways are Altered Through Resurfacing | PDF (2013)
Testing Accommodations | PDF This document provides technical assistance on testing accommodations for individuals with disabilities who take standardized exams and other high-stakes tests. It addresses the obligations of entities that offer such exams and includes information about who is entitled to testing accommodations, what types of testing accommodations must be provided, and what documentation may be required of the person requesting testing accommodations. (2015)
Frequently Asked Questions about Service Animals and the ADA | PDF This eight-page document provides guidance and answers questions about the ADA’s service animal provisions. (2015)
ADA Update: A Primer for State and Local Governments | PDF An illustrated guide to help State and local government officials understand the requirements of the 2010 ADA regulations. (2015)
Frequently Asked Questions on Effective Communication for Students with Hearing, Vision, or Speech Disabilities in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools | PDF
This 30-page document, issued jointly by the Justice Department and the U.S. Department of Education, explains public schools' responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to meet the communication needs of students with hearing, vision, or speech disabilities. (2014)
Fact Sheet | PDF | en español
Solutions for Five Common ADA Access Problems at Polling Places | PDF This 7-page document discusses physical barriers to access to voters with disabilities in five commonly found areas at polling places and offers solutions for addressing them. (2014)
The Americans with Disabilities Act and Other Federal Laws Protecting the Rights of Voters with Disabilities | PDF This 7-page document provides guidance about how the ADA and other federal laws protect the rights of voters with disabilities. (2014)
ADA Update: A Primer for Small Business | PDF An illustrated guide to help small businesses understand the requirements of the 2010 ADA regulations. (2011)
ADA Requirements: Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMDs) | PDF
This 6-page document provides guidance on the Department’s 2010 regulations regarding the use of wheelchairs and mobility aids, as well as other types of less-traditional powered mobility devices. (2014)
ADA Requirements: Effective Communication | PDF
This 7-page publication provides guidance on the Department’s 2010 regulations relating to communicating effectively with people who have vision, hearing, or speech disabilities. (2014)
ADA Requirements: Accessible Pools - Means of Entry and Exit | PDF
This publication is designed to help title II and title III entities understand how new requirements for swimming pools, especially existing pools, apply to them. (2012)
Questions and Answers: Accessibility Requirements for Existing Swimming Pools at Hotels and Other Public Accommodations | PDF (2012)
ADA Requirements: Service Animals | PDF
This publication provides guidance on the term “service animal” and the service animal provisions in the Department’s new regulations. (2011)
ADA Requirements: Ticket Sales | PDF
This publication provides guidance on the Department's new nondiscrimination requirements that apply to selling tickets for assigned seats at events such as concerts, plays, and sporting events. (2011)
ADA Requirements: Effective Date and Compliance Date | PDF
This publication sets out several different "compliance dates," dates by which entities covered by the ADA are required to comply with the new or revised provisions of the Department's rules. (2011)
A Guide to Disability Rights Laws | PDF | En Español
A 21-page booklet that provides a brief overview of ten Federal laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities and provides information about the federal agencies to contact for more information. (2006)
ADA: Know Your Rights -- Returning Service Members with Disabilities | PDF
This 28-page booklet is designed to provide military service members who have been seriously wounded in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom a basic understanding of their rights under the ADA and where to turn for additional information and assistance. (2010)
A Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment | PDF
A 2-page pamphlet for people with disabilities providing a general explanation of the employment provisions of the ADA and how to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2000)
Access to Medical Care for Individuals with Mobility Disabilities | PDF
From the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services
This technical assistance publication provides guidance for medical care providers on the requirements of the ADA in medical settings with respect to people with mobility disabilities, which include, for example, those who use wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, crutches, or no mobility devices at all. (2010)
ADA Business Briefs: Communicating with People Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Hospital Settings | PDF (2003)
Commonly Asked Questions About Child Care Centers and the Americans with Disabilities Act | En Español
This publication explains how the requirements of the ADA apply to Child Care Centers. The document also describes some of the Department of Justice's ongoing enforcement efforts in the child care area and it provides a resource list on sources of information on the ADA. (1997)
Examples and Resources to Support Criminal Justice Entities in Compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act | PDF
This document provides guidance to facilitate criminal justice entities’ compliance with the ADA in their interactions with individuals with mental health disabilities or intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). The guidance sets forth the key regulatory provisions under the ADA and provides examples of how local law enforcement, corrections, and justice systems entities have facilitated compliance with these obligations. It also provides recommendations for training criminal justice personnel, conducting reviews of policies and procedures, and collaborating with mental health and disability service providers and provides examples from the Department’s criminal justice enforcement actions, with links to additional governmental resources. (2017)
ADA Checklist for Polling Places | PDF
Title II Technical Assistance Manual | Supplement
A 56-page manual that explains in lay terms what State and local governments must do to ensure that their services, programs, and activities are provided to the public in a nondiscriminatory manner. (1993)
Protecting the Rights of Parents and Prospective Parents with Disabilities | PDF
The Department of Justice together with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights and Administration for Children and Families issued joint technical assistance about the applicability of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act to the administration of child welfare programs, activities, and services. This technical assistance is intended to help child welfare agencies and family courts understand their obligations under Federal law to ensure that parents and prospective parents with disabilities receive equal treatment and equal access to parenting opportunities. This technical assistance also includes a cover letter to stakeholders (PDF)
Dear Colleague Letter Regarding States’ Olmstead Obligations When Implementing the new FLSA Rule Regarding Home Care Workers | PDF
Jointly issued letter from the Civil Rights Division and the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Health and Human Services, discusses states’ obligations under Title II of the ADA to avoid placing individuals at serious risk of institutionalization when considering implementation options of the new Fair Labor Standards Act regulations extending minimum wage and overtime protection to most home health care workers. (2014)
The ADA and City Governments: Common Problems | PDF
A 9-page document that contains a sampling of common problems shared by city governments of all sizes, provides examples of common deficiencies and explains how these problems affect persons with disabilities. (2000)
ADA Guide for Small Towns | PDF
A 21-page guide that presents an informal overview of some basic ADA requirements and provides cost-effective tips on how small towns can comply with the ADA. (2000)
Accessibility of State and Local Government Websites to People with Disabilities | PDF
A 5-page publication providing guidance on making State and local government websites accessible. (2003)
An ADA Guide for Local Governments: Making Community Emergency Preparedness and Response Programs Accessible to People with Disabilities | PDF
A 11-page illustrated publication that provides guidance on preparing for and carrying out emergency response programs in a manner that results in the services being accessible to people with disabilities. (2006)
Access for 9-1-1 and Telephone Emergency Services | PDF
A 10-page publication explaining the requirements for direct, equal access to 9-1-1 for persons who use teletypewriters (TTYs). (1998)
Commonly Asked Questions About the ADA and Law Enforcement
A 12-page publication providing information for law enforcement agencies in a simple question and answer format. (2006)
Communicating with People Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: ADA Guide for Law Enforcement Officers | PDF
This 8-panel pocket guide provides basic information for officers about ADA requirements for communicating effectively with people who are deaf or hard of hearing. (2006)
Model Policy for Law Enforcement on Communicating with People Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing | PDF
This 4-page document serves as a model for law enforcement agencies when adopting a policy on effective communication with people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Agencies are encouraged to download and adapt the policy to suit their needs. (2006)
Questions and Answers: The ADA and Hiring Police Officers
A 5-page publication providing information on ADA requirements for interviewing and hiring police officers. (1997)
Title III Technical Assistance Manual | Supplement
An 83-page manual that explains in lay terms what businesses and non-profit agencies must do to ensure access to their goods, services, and facilities. Many examples are provided for practical guidance. (1993)
Reaching Out to Customers with Disabilities
This online course explains how the ADA applies to businesses in ten short lessons. Putting these lessons into practice will allow you to comply with the ADA and welcome a whole new group of customers to purchase your goods, products, and services. (2005)
ADA Guide for Small Businesses | PDF
This 15-page illustrated guide presents an overview of some basic ADA requirements for small businesses that provide goods and services to the public. It provides guidance on how to make their services accessible and how tax credits and deductions may be used to offset specific costs. (2007)
ADA Business Connection: Expanding Your Market
Short publications that present information on the ADA and customers with disabilities
Maintaining Accessible Features in Retail Establishments | PDF (2009)
Maintaining Accessibility in Museums | PDF (2009)
Accessible Information Exchange: Meeting on a Level Playing Field | PDF (2009)
Accessibility Benefits Older Adult Customers | PDF (2006)
Accessible Customer Service Practices for Hotel and Lodging Guests with Disabilities | PDF (2006)
Building a Diverse Customer Base | PDF (2006)
Tax Incentives for Business | PDF (2005)
Gathering Input from Customers with Disabilities | PDF(2007)
ADA Business Briefs
Short publications explaining specific ADA issues that are designed to be easily printed and distributed to employees.
Communicating with People Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Hospital Settings | PDF (2003)
Communicating with Guests Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Hotels, Motels, and Other Places of Transient Lodging | PDF (2003)
Assistance at Gas Stations | PDF (2002)
Americans with Disabilities Act Guide for Places of Lodging: Serving Guests Who Are Blind or Who Have Low Vision | PDF A 12-page publication explaining what hotels, motels, and other places of transient lodging can do to accommodate guests who are blind or have low vision. (2001)
Accessible Stadiums | PDF
A 4-page publication highlighting features that must be accessible in new stadiums and providing guidance on line of sight for wheelchair seating locations. (1996)
ADA/Section 504 Design Guide: Accessible Cells in Correction Facilities | PDF
A 5-page publication providing guidance on preventing discrimination against inmates with mobility disabilities through the design of accessible cells in State and local correctional facilities. (2004)
Five Steps To Make New Lodging Facilities Comply With The ADA | PDF
A 3-page document highlighting five steps that owners, operators, and franchisors can take to make sure that new lodging facilities comply with the ADA. (1999)
ADA Information Services
A 2-page list with the telephone numbers and Internet addresses of Federal agencies and other organizations that provide information and technical assistance to the public about the ADA.
ADA Designated Investigative Agencies | PDF
A 4-page list of the nine federal agencies that are designated to investigate disability-related discrimination complaints filed against State and local government programs under title I or title II of the ADA or against Federally funded or assisted programs under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. (2008)
"Ten Employment Myths"
Many employers misunderstand the Americans with Disabilities Act and are reluctant to hire people with disabilities because of unfounded myths. This seventeen-minute video responds to concerns expressed by employers, explaining the ADA in common sense terms and dispelling myths about this often overlooked pool of well-qualified employees.
“Ten Small Business Mistakes”
This thirteen-minute video identifies common mistakes that small businesses make when trying to comply with the ADA and addresses the importance and value of doing business with 50 million people with disabilities. The video features statements by store owners expressing their doubts or misunderstandings about the ADA followed by responses from the Assistant Attorney for Civil Rights and other Department of Justice employees explaining the law in common sense terms.
"My Country"
In this one-hour documentary, the late symphony conductor James DePreist, who contracted polio as a young man, profiles three people with disabilities whose lives have been shaped by the struggle for equal rights. Mr. DePreist was the nephew of African American contralto Marian Anderson, who in 1939 was prevented from singing at Constitution Hall. He draws parallels between racial barriers and the barriers faced by people with disabilities.
"Police Response to People with Disabilities," Eight-Part Series
Designed for use in roll-call training, this videotape addresses law enforcement situations involving people who have mobility disabilities, mental illnesses, intellectual disabilities, epilepsy or seizure disorders, speech disabilities, deafness or hearing loss, and blindness or low vision. The eight segments range from 5 ½ to 10 ½ minutes in length.
ADA Signing Ceremony
This video documents the speech given by President George H. W. Bush when he signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law on July 26, 1990. In the video, President Bush speaks to a huge audience of activists, Congressional supporters, people with disabilities, and their families and friends gathered on the south lawn of the White House.
The 22-minute film, provided to the Department by the George Bush Presidential Library, is being re-released on the Internet to increase awareness of the ADA.