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(Technical Assistance on this site is current and usable.)
The Department of Justice’s revised regulations for Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) were published in the Federal Register on September 15, 2010. These regulations adopted revised, enforceable accessibility standards called the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, "2010 Standards." On March 15, 2012, compliance with the 2010 Standards was required for new construction and alterations under Titles II and III. March 15, 2012, is also the compliance date for using the 2010 Standards for program accessibility and barrier removal.
The 1991 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, printed as Appendix A of the title III regulation in the Code of Federal Regulations, July 1, 1994 could be used for new construction and alterations under Titles II and III until March 14, 2012.
The Department has assembled an official online version of the 2010 Standards to bring together the information in one easy-to-access location. It provides the scoping and technical requirements for new construction and alterations resulting from the adoption of revised 2010 Standards in the final rules for Title II (28 CFR part 35) and Title III (28 CFR part 36).
The Department has also compiled Guidance on the 2010 Standards from the revised regulations for Titles II and III. This explanatory information from the regulations addresses the scoping and technical provisions of the 2010 Standards.
If you have questions about the ADA Standards and want to talk to a Department of Justice ADA Information Specialist, go to the ADA Information Line page for the Department's toll-free telephone numbers and times of operation.