The ADA requires that the Department write regulations for implementing titles II and III. The regulations for both titles were first published on July 26, 1991. Revised regulations were published on September 15, 2010, and took effect on March 15, 2011.
The ADA also requires the U.S. Access Board (Access Board) to ''issue minimum guidelines that shall supplement the existing Minimum Guidelines and Requirements for Accessible Design for purposes of subchapters II and III of this chapter . . . to ensure that buildings, facilities, rail passenger cars, and vehicles are accessible, in terms of architecture and design, transportation, and communication, to individuals with disabilities.'' The ADA requires the Department to issue regulations that include enforceable accessibility standards applicable to facilities subject to title II or title III that are consistent with the ''minimum guidelines'' issued by the Access Board.
ADA requirements may change as regulations are modified to improve access or to provide more detailed guidance for entities covered by the ADA. When new requirements are proposed, a formal procedure is used which calls for public comment and agency review before the requirement is finalized. Changes in existing requirements or new requirements are issued as a proposed rule and published in the Federal Register. Public comments, which are received by mail and over the Internet, are reviewed by the Department before a Final Rule is published. When the Final Rule is published, new requirements are established as detailed in the Final Rule. For information on any proposed Department of Justice ADA regulations contact the ADA Information Line.