A selection of technical assistance documents that provide an overview of the rights and responsibilities under the ADA and the Department's implementing regulations.
ADA Information Services
A two-page list with the telephone numbers and Internet addresses of Federal agencies and other organizations that provide information and technical assistance to the public about the ADA.
ADA Designated Investigative Agencies | PDF | En Español
A four-page list of the nine Federal agencies that are designated to investigate disability-related discrimination complaints filed against State and local government programs under Title I or Title II of the ADA or against Federally funded or assisted programs under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. (2017)
ADA Update: A Primer for State and Local Governments | PDF
An illustrated guide to help State and local government officials understand the requirements of the 2010 ADA regulations. (2015)
ADA Update: A Primer for Small Business | PDF
An illustrated guide to help small businesses understand the requirements of the 2010 ADA regulations. (2011)
ADA: Know Your Rights — Returning Service Members with Disabilities | PDF | En Español
This 28-page booklet is designed to provide military service members who have been seriously wounded while serving a basic understanding of their rights under the ADA and where to turn for additional information and assistance. (2010)
A Guide to Disability Rights Laws | PDF | En Español
A 21-page booklet that provides a brief overview of ten Federal laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities and provides information about the Federal agencies to contact for more information. (2006)
A Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment | PDF | En Español
A two-page pamphlet for people with disabilities providing a general explanation of the employment provisions of the ADA and how to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2000)