If you want to find information about:
The most current ADA regulations, go to 2010 Revised ADA Regulations Implementing Title II or 2010 Revised ADA Regulations Implementing Title III
The most current standards for design and construction of buildings and facilities, go to 2010 Design Standards
How the ADA protects people with disabilities in employment (title I), State and local governments (title II), or public accommodations and commercial facilities (title III), go to Title I, Title II, or Title III
Regulatory Development, go to Regulatory Development
How to file an ADA complaint with the Department, go to File an ADA Complaint
How to try to resolve your ADA complaint through alternate dispute resolution, go to Mediation
ADA cases and matters, go to ADA Enforcement
Businesses' responsibilities under the ADA, go to the ADA Business Connection
The process that the Department of Justice uses to certify that State laws, local building codes, or similar ordinances meet or exceed the ADA Standards for Accessible Design for new construction and alterations, go to Certification of State and Local Building Codes
Other laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities, go to Guide to Disability Rights Laws | En Español
How the ADA and other laws protect the rights of returning service members with disabilities, go to the publication ADA: Know Your Rights Returning Service Members with Disabilities
Federal agencies that have ADA or 504 responsibilities and a list of federal disability resources, go to Federal and ADA Disability Resources
How the ADA protects people with HIV and AIDS, go to HIV and AIDS
How the ADA protects persons with disabilities who are unnecessarily segregated and ensures that persons with disabilities receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs, go to Olmstead
What the Department is doing to ensure greater access to State and local government programs and services, go to Project Civic Access
Publications that provide information about how to comply with the ADA, go to Technical Assistance Materials
Videos about the ADA, go to Video Gallery
ADA Documents in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Reading Room, go to Freedom of Information Act
Disability Rights Online Newsletter, go to Reports and Updates
Enforcing the ADA: A Status Report from the Department of Justice, go to Reports and Updates
For archived documents, go to the Archive
Información de La ADA en Español, ir a En Español
Can't find the information you need or have questions about what you have found? Call the ADA Information Line to talk with an Accessibility Specialist: 800-514-0301 (voice); 833-610-1264 (TTY).