
No Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
1 Route to school entrance 206.2, 405.8, 505 The bottom segment of the ramp leading to the school entrance lacks one handrail. On both sides of the ramp, provide handrails that have a diameter between 1¼ and 2 inches or a perimeter between 4 inches and 6¼ inches and a cross section of no more than 2¼ inches such that the handrails are continuous along the full length of the ramp run.  Handrails shall have a continuous gripping surface extending at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp parallel with the ground surface (except in alterations where extensions would be hazardous due to plan configuration); extensions shall return to the wall, guard, or landing surface (or continue on as handrails); handrails shall not rotate within their fittings; handrails shall be mounted at a consistent height between 34 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface and at least 1½ inches from the wall; gripping surfaces and adjacent surfaces shall be free of sharp or abrasive elements and have rounded edges; and gripping surfaces shall not be obstructed along their tops or sides and the bottoms shall not be obstructed for more than 20% of their length and have no horizontal projections occurring closer than 1½ inches from the bottom of the gripping surface (except that the distance between horizontal projections and the bottom of the gripping surface can be reduced by ⅛ inch for each ½ inch of handrail perimeter over 4 inches).  6 months
2 Drinking fountain, first floor 211, 602.4, 602.7 The drinking fountain is inaccessible to people who use wheelchairs. Provide 50% of all drinking fountains on each floor or exterior site with a spout outlet between 38 and 43 inches high and 50% of all drinking fountains on each floor or exterior site with a spout outlet no more than 36 inches high that otherwise complies with the Standards.  At least one of each type shall be provided.  6 months

School - Computer Lab, GED, and 2nd Fl Classrooms

3 Accessible Route 206, 301.1, 401.1, 28 C.F.R. § 35.130 The route from the entrance to the Computer Lab, the GED classroom, and the second floor classrooms requires traversing stairs. To each area, feature, or element described, provide at least one accessible route that coincides with or is located in the same area as general circulation paths.  The accessible route must have a minimum clear width of 36 inches (except that it may narrow to no less than 32 inches for a length of no more than 24 inches), or a minimum clear width of 42 inches if there is a U-turn around an obstruction less than 48 inches wide; have passing spaces at least every 200 feet; have a minimum clear headroom of 80 inches; have a surface that is firm, stable, and slip resistant; have, in the absence of a curb ramp, ramp, elevator, or platform lift, no level changes in excess of ½ inch vertically; have no level changes greater than ¼ inch vertically unless they are beveled with a slope no greater than 50%; and have a running slope no greater than 5% (or have been constructed as a fully accessible ramp) and a cross slope no greater than 2.08%.  Alternatively, provide this feature or service in such a way that people with disabilities are given an equal opportunity to participate in or benefit from the aid, benefit, or service provided.  12 months
4 Classroom Doors 206.4, 206.5, 309.4, 404.2.7 The doors to the classrooms have knob hardware. Provide a door with hardware, mounted between 34 and 48 inches high, that is operable with one hand and does not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist and requires no more than 5 pounds of force to operate.  Lever-operated mechanisms, push-type mechanisms, and U-shaped handles are acceptable designs.  6 months


No Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
5 Exterior Sidewalk to Pheasantland Industries 206.1, 405, 505.2  The south access ramp does not comply with the Standards. Provide a ramp that is at least 36 inches wide with a slope not exceeding 8.33% and a cross slope not exceeding 2%; with level landings at least as wide as the ramp and 60 inches long at the top and bottom of the ramp; with level landings measuring at least 60 inches by 60 inches when the ramp changes direction; with no level changes in excess of ½ inch vertically and no level changes greater than ¼ inch vertically unless they are beveled with a slope no greater than 50%; and with edge protection that is at least 2 inches high at the drop off sides.  Provide handrails that are between 1¼ inches and 1½ inches in diameter such that the inside handrail is continuous and both handrails have a continuous gripping surface along both sides of the ramp extending at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp parallel with the ground surface; the handrails do not rotate within their fittings; and both handrails are mounted with the tops between 34 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface and at least 1½ inches from the wall, with ends rounded or returned smoothly to the floor, wall, or post. 12 months
6 Interior Ramp - Building 1 206.1, 403.3  Interior corridor ramp has slope of 12.3%. Provide a ramp with a slope not exceeding 8.33%.   12 months
7 Drinking Fountain 211, 602.7 The drinking fountain in the laundry area is not accessible for people who use wheelchairs. Provide 50% of all drinking fountains on each floor or exterior site with a spout outlet between 38 and 43 inches high and 50% of all drinking fountains on each floor or exterior site with a spout outlet no more than 36 inches high that otherwise complies with the Standards.  At least one of each type shall be provided.  6 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
8 Dental Office 206.5, 404.2.3 The clear opening width of the doorway leading into the dental office is less than 32 inches. Provide a doorway that has a minimum 32 inch clear opening width. 24 months
9 Route to Behavioral Health 206.2, 405.2. The ramp leading to Behavioral Health and X-Ray has a slope of 14.6%. Provide a ramp with a slope no greater than 8.33%, unless there are space limitations and the ramp serves an existing site, building, or facility, and has a rise of no more than 6 inches.  18 months
10 X-Ray 206.5, 404.2.3 The clear opening width of the doorway into the x-ray room is less than 32 inches. Provide a doorway that has a minimum 32 inch clear opening width. 24 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
11 Kitchen Ramp 206.1, 405 The ramp has slope of 9.4%.   Provide a ramp that is at least 36 inches wide with a slope not exceeding 8.33% and a cross slope not exceeding 2.08% (1:48).  18 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
12 Dining  226.1, 305, 306, 902 There are not enough accessible dining tables provided. At least 5% (but no fewer than 1) of the tables shall be available for use by people with mobility disabilities. Each accessible table or work surface shall be on an accessible route; with clear floor space 30 inches wide by 48 inches deep positioned for a forward approach; with knee clearance at least 11 inches deep at 9 inches high and at least 8 inches deep at 27 inches high; and with a work surface between 28 inches and 34 inches high. They shall be dispersed throughout the office suite and rooms.  6 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
13 Holding and Housing Cells 28 CFR § 35.151(k), 232, 304, 305, 603, 604, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 807.2, 903 There are no accessible holding or housing cells in Federal, East, or West Halls. Inmates with mobility disabilities must not be housed in these buildings.  If the State Penitentiary choses to do so, it must provide cells with mobility features for a minimum of 3% of the cells, but no fewer than one of the total number of cells in the facility.  Cells with mobility features must be provided for each classification level and special housing area, such as administrative and disciplinary segregation and medical isolation.  For cells required to have mobility features, provide the following: turning space complying with § 304; where benches are provided, at least one bench complying with § 903; where beds are provided, a bed with clear floor space complying with §305 parallel to at least one side of the bed; where provided, at least one water closet, one lavatory, and one bathtub or shower complying with the applicable requirements of §§ 603 through 610.  In cells and dormitories having more than 25 beds, provide clear floor space that complies with § 807.2.3 for a minimum of 5% of the beds.  24 months
14 Shower for Federal, East, and West Hall 206.5, 213.2, 213.3.6, 404, 603, 608  The shower has no accessible features.. Provide a transfer shower that is exactly 36 inches wide and 36 inches deep with a 48 inch long and 36 inch wide clear floor space alongside the shower opening, and an L-shaped shower seat mounted on the wall opposite the controls and extending the full depth of the stall; OR a shower that is at least 30 inches deep and 60 inches wide with no curb or threshold and with a 36 inch deep and 60 inch wide clear floor space at the shower opening.  Ensure that the shower has grab bars, controls, a shower spray unit, and a seat, curb, and enclosure, if provided, that comply fully with the Standards. 24 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
15 Route to Hill Recreation Building 206.1, 405, 505.2  The ramp (tunnel) leading to the Recreation Building is inaccessible. Provide a ramp that is at least 36 inches wide with a slope not exceeding 8.33% and a cross slope not exceeding 2%; with level landings at least as wide as the ramp and 60 inches long at the top and bottom of the ramp; with level landings measuring at least 60 inches by 60 inches when the ramp changes direction; with no level changes in excess of ½ inch vertically and no level changes greater than ¼ inch vertically unless they are beveled with a slope no greater than 50%; and with edge protection that is at least 2 inches high at the drop off sides.  Provide handrails that are between 1¼ inches and 1½ inches in diameter such that the inside handrail is continuous and both handrails have a continuous gripping surface along both sides of the ramp extending at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp parallel with the ground surface; the handrails do not rotate within their fittings; and both handrails are mounted with the tops between 34 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface and at least 1½ inches from the wall, with ends rounded or returned smoothly to the floor, wall, or post.  Alternatively, provide a wheelchair and a wheelchair pusher for inmates who cannot ambulate this walkway.  24 months
16 Toilet Area - Recreation Building 206.5, 213.2, 216.2, 404, 603, 604, 606,  703 The toilet area does not have any accessible features. Provide an accessible toilet area such that all of the area’s elements, including door, door hardware, clear floor space, water closet, urinal (if provided), compartment size and arrangement (if provided), compartment door (if provided), grab bars, lavatory, mirror, controls, and dispensers, comply with the Standards. 18 months
17 Drinking Fountain - Recreation Building 211, 602.7 The drinking fountain in the recreation area is not accessible for people who use wheelchairs. Provide 50% of all drinking fountains on each floor or exterior site with a spout outlet between 38 and 43 inches high and 50% of all drinking fountains on each floor or exterior site with a spout outlet no more than 36 inches high that otherwise complies with the Standards.  At least one of each type shall be provided.  12 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
18 Access to Field 206, 301.1, 401.1. There is no accessible route leading to the baseball field and other recreation features in the exercise yard. To each area, feature, or element described, provide at least one accessible route that coincides with or is located in the same area as general circulation paths.  The accessible route must have a minimum clear width of 36 inches (except that it may narrow to no less than 32 inches for a length of no more than 24 inches), or a minimum clear width of 42 inches if there is a U-turn around an obstruction less than 48 inches wide; have passing spaces at least every 200 feet; have a minimum clear headroom of 80 inches; have a surface that is firm, stable, and slip resistant; have, in the absence of a curb ramp, ramp, elevator, or platform lift, no level changes in excess of ½ inch vertically; have no level changes greater than ¼ inch vertically unless they are beveled with a slope no greater than 50%; and have a running slope no greater than 5% (or have been constructed as a fully accessible ramp) and a cross slope no greater than 2.08%.  Alternatively, provide a wheelchair and a wheelchair pusher for inmates who cannot ambulate this walkway. 12 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
19 Assistive Listening Devices 216.10, 219, 703.5, 703.7.2.4, 706 No assistive listening device is provided. Provide an assistive listening system.  Provide receivers complying with the Standards in accordance with the Table 219.3, and provide signage indicating their availability.    12 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
20 Tables 226.1, 902 The tables used by both inmates and visitors are not accessible to persons who use wheelchairs. Provide a sufficient number of accessible tables so that 5% of them in each area (but no fewer than one) are available for use by people with mobility disabilities.  Each accessible table must be on an accessible route, must have knee space at the table at least 27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 17 inches deep, and must have a table top between 28 inches and 34 inches above the floor.  Ensure that the tables are distributed throughout the facility.  This 5% may be provided only when a wheelchair user, who is an inmate or visitor, is present.  For security purposes, the table or desk can be enclosed on three sides to prevent the passing of contraband. 6 months
21 Non-contact vistiation telephones 217, 305, 309, 703.7.2.3, 704 None of the telephones provided have volume control. Provide an accessible telephone with clear floor space of at least 30 inches by 48 inches that allows either a forward or parallel approach such that bases, enclosures, and fixed seats do not impede approaches to the telephone.  All operable parts of the telephone shall be mounted between 15 and 48 inches high; volume control shall be provided; the cord shall be at least 29 inches long from the telephone to the handset; and there shall be a picture of a telephone handset with radiating sound waves.   6 months
22 Drinking fountain 211, 602.4, 602.7 The drinking fountain is not accessible for people who use wheelchairs. Provide an accessible toilet room such that all of the room’s elements, including door, door hardware, clear floor space, water closet, urinal (if provided), compartment size and arrangement (if provided), compartment door (if provided), grab bars, lavatory, mirror, controls, and dispensers, comply with the Standards. 6 months
23 Men's public toilet room 206.5, 213.2, 216.2, 404, 603, 604, 606,  703 The men's public toilet room is not accessible to people who use wheelchairs. Provide an accessible toilet room such that all of the room’s elements, including door, door hardware, clear floor space, water closet, urinal (if provided), compartment size and arrangement (if provided), compartment door (if provided), grab bars, lavatory, mirror, controls, and dispensers, comply with the Standards. 12 months
24 Women's public toilet room 206.5, 213.2, 216.2, 404, 603, 604, 606,  703 The women's public toilet room is not accessible to people who use wheelchairs. Provide an accessible toilet room such that all of the room’s elements, including door, door hardware, clear floor space, water closet, urinal (if provided), compartment size and arrangement (if provided), compartment door (if provided), grab bars, lavatory, mirror, controls, and dispensers, comply with the Standards. 12 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
25 Parking 208, 302, 502, 703.7.2.1 The designated accessible parking is inaccessible. On the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance(s), provide 3 accessible spaces, one of which is van accessible.  Standard accessible spaces shall be at least 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 60 inches wide.  Van accessible spaces shall be at least 132 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 60 inches wide, or at least 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 96 inches wide.  Access aisles shall extend the full length of the parking spaces they serve and shall be marked so as to discourage parking in them.  At sites with 5 or more parking spaces, provide vertical signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility at all spaces designated as reserved for persons with disabilities, mounted at least 60 inches high to the bottom of the sign.  At van accessible spaces, provide an additional “van accessible” sign mounted at least 60 inches high to the bottom of the sign.  All spaces and access aisles for persons with disabilities shall contain no changes in level, with slopes and cross-slopes not exceeding 2.08%, and their surfaces shall be firm, stable, and slip-resistant.   6 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
26 Parking 208, 302, 502 No van accessible parking is provided. Provide a van accessible parking space that is a minimum of 132 inches wide and served by an access aisle at least 60 inches wide, or a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by an access aisle at least 96 inches wide; and designated by a vertical sign with the International Symbol of Accessibility and an additional “van accessible” sign mounted at least 60 inches high to the bottom of the signs (unless there are 4 or fewer total parking spaces, in which case, signage is not required).  The space and access aisle shall contain no changes in level, with slopes and cross-slopes not exceeding 2.08%, and shall have surfaces that are firm, stable, and slip-resistant; and the access aisle shall be marked so as to discourage parking in it. 6 months
27  Holding Cell Toilet 213.3.1, 301.1, 404, 604, 604.8.1, 609 The toilet is inaccessible. Provide an accessible toilet such that all of the elements toilet area, including, toilet, size and arrangement, toe clearances, grab bars, controls, and dispensers, comply with the Standards.   12 months
28 Dining 226.1, 305, 306, 902 There are not enough accessible dining tables provided. At least 5% (but no fewer than 1) of the tables shall be available for use by people with mobility disabilities. Each accessible table or work surface shall be on an accessible route; with clear floor space 30 inches wide by 48 inches deep positioned for a forward approach; with knee clearance at least 11 inches deep at 9 inches high and at least 8 inches deep at 27 inches high; and with a work surface between 28 inches and 34 inches high. They shall be dispersed throughout the office suite and rooms.  6 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
29 Shower 608.2.1 The trash receptacle obstructs the required transfer clearance at the shower. Provide a transfer shower that is exactly 36 inches wide and 36 inches deep with a 48 inch long and 36 inch wide clear floor space alongside the shower opening, and an L-shaped shower seat mounted on the wall opposite the controls and extending the full depth of the stall; OR a shower that is at least 30 inches deep and 60 inches wide with no curb or threshold and with a 36 inch deep and 60 inch wide clear floor space at the shower opening.  Ensure that the shower has grab bars, controls, a shower spray unit, and a seat, curb, and enclosure, if provided, that comply fully with the Standards. 3 months
30   213.3.6, 608.3.1, 609 The shower seat is obstructed by the grab bar that is mounted behind the seat.   Provide a grab bar 18 inches long on the wall adjacent to the seat, extending from the control wall, and provide a grab bar extending the full length of the control wall.  Grab bars shall be mounted between 33 and 36 inches high to the top of the gripping surface, 1½ inches from the wall on which they are mounted, 1½ inches from any objects projecting below, and 12 inches from any objects projecting above (other than controls or other grab bars, which may be within 1½ inches above).   3 months
31   607.6 The hand-held shower unit is stored in the upper position out of accessible reach range. Provide controls that are operable with one hand, without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist, that require no more than 5 pounds of force to operate; a shower spray unit with an on/off control with a non-positive shutoff and a hose at least 59 inches long that can be used both as a fixed shower head and as a hand-held shower and that delivers water no hotter than 120 degrees. 3 months
32   608.3.1 The rear grab bar is not mounted across the back wall to a point 18 inches from the control wall and the control wall grab bar is not the full length of the control wall. Provide grab bars across the control wall and across the back wall to a point 18 inches from the control wall. 3 months
33 Bathtub   213.3.6, 607, 609, 610. The grab bars at the bathtub do not comply with the Standards and no seat is provided. Provide a permanent seat at the head end of the bathtub or a removable end-tub seat.  Provide two parallel horizontal grab bars on the back (long) wall of the bathtub, one mounted between 8 inches and 10 inches above the rim of the bathtub and the other mounted between 33 inches and 36 inches above the bathroom floor.  If the bathtub has a permanent seat, these two grab bars shall be 15 inches maximum from the head end wall and 12 inches maximum from the foot end wall; if the bathtub does not have a permanent seat, these two grab bars shall be 24 inches long minimum and shall be mounted 24 inches maximum from the head end wall and 12 inches maximum from the foot end wall.  Provide one horizontal grab bar at the foot end of the bathtub that extends at least 24 inches from the outer edge of the bathtub toward the back (long) wall of the tub between 33 inches and 36 inches high.  If the bathtub does not have a permanent seat, provide one horizontal grab bar at least 12 inches long located on the head end wall, towards the outside of the tub between 33 inches and 36 inches high.  6 months
34   607.6 No hand-held shower spray is provided. Provide a shower spray unit with an on/off control with a non-positive shutoff and a hose at least 59 inches long that can be used both as a fixed shower head and as a hand-held shower and that delivers water no hotter than 120 degrees. 6 months
35 Toilet adjacent to lavatory 604.2 No wall or partition is provided next to the water closet and no left-hand or right-hand approach is provided. Provide a water closet positioned with a wall or partition to the rear and to one side.  The centerline of the water closet shall be 16 to 18 inches from the side wall or partition.  Water closets shall be arranged for a left-hand or right-hand approach. 12 months
36   213.3.2, 604.3. No 60 inch clear floor space is provided between the water closet and lavatory. Provide clearance at the toilet that is at least 60 inches wide and 56 inches deep.  This clearance may overlap with the toilet, grab bars, dispensers, coat hooks, shelves, accessible routes, clear floor space and clearances for other fixtures, and turning space; but no other fixtures or obstructions, including lavatories, may be located within this clearance.   6 months
37   213.3.2, 604.5.1. The side grab bar is less than 42 inchs long and the end farthest from the rear wall extends less than 54 inches from the rear wall. Provide a side grab bar that is at least 42 inches in overall length, with the far end mounted at least 54 inches from the rear wall, and with the closer end no more than 12 inches from the rear wall.   6 months
38   213.3.2, 604.5.2 The rear grab bar is less than 36 inches long and its ends appear to extend less than 12 inches and 24 inches from the water closet centerline. Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches long (except where wall space does not permit it due to the location of a recessed fixture, in which case the grab bar may be 24 inches long and centered on the toilet), extending 12 inches from the toilet centerline on one side and 24 inches from the toilet centerline on the other side (except where an administrative authority requires flush controls to be located in a position that conflicts with the location of the rear grab bar, in which case the bar may be split or shifted to the open side).   6 months
39   231.3.2, 309.4, 604.6 The flush control is not located on the open side of the water closet. Provide a flush control mounted on the “open” side of the toilet’s clear floor space, between 15 and 48 inches high, and requiring a maximum of 5 pounds of force to operate; or provide an automatic flush device.   6 months
40   213.3.2, 604.7, 609.3 The toilet paper dispenser is not located between 7 and 9 inches in front of the water closet. Provide a toilet paper dispenser that is mounted with its centerline between 7 and 9 inches from the front of the toilet and with its outlet between 15 and 48 inches high with continuous paper flow that does not control delivery.  The dispenser shall be mounted either at least 1½ inches below the side grab bar or at least 12 inches above the side grab bar.   6 months
41 Toilet furthest from lavatory 604.2 No wall or partition is provided next to the water closet. Provide a water closet positioned with a wall or partition to the rear and to one side.  The centerline of the water closet shall be 16 to 18 inches from the side wall or partition.   12 months
42   213.3.2, 604.5.1. The side grab bar is less than 42 inchs long and the end farthest from the rear wall extends less than 54 inches from the rear wall. Provide a side grab bar that is at least 42 inches in overall length, with the far end mounted at least 54 inches from the rear wall, and with the closer end no more than 12 inches from the rear wall.   6 months
43   213.3.2, 604.5.2 The rear grab bar is less than 36 inches long and its ends appear to extend less than 12 inches and 24 inches from the water closet centerline. Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches long (except where wall space does not permit it due to the location of a recessed fixture, in which case the grab bar may be 24 inches long and centered on the toilet), extending 12 inches from the toilet centerline on one side and 24 inches from the toilet centerline on the other side (except where an administrative authority requires flush controls to be located in a position that conflicts with the location of the rear grab bar, in which case the bar may be split or shifted to the open side).   6 months
44    213.3.2, 604.7, 609.3 The toilet paper dispenser is not located between 7 and 9 inches in front of the water closet. Provide a toilet paper dispenser that is mounted with its centerline between 7 and 9 inches from the front of the toilet and with its outlet between 15 and 48 inches high with continuous paper flow that does not control delivery.  The dispenser shall be mounted either at least 1½ inches below the side grab bar or at least 12 inches above the side grab bar.   6 months
45 Mental Health  28 C.F.R. §35.151 (k), 35.152(b) Area is not accessible to inmates who have mobility disabilities. Establish a procedure for providing access to this program or provide an alternate location. 6 months

Restrictive Housing - Unit A

No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
46 Cells 28 C.F.R. §35.151(k), 232, 807. There is less than 3% of the total number of accessible cells provided in Restrictive Housing. For new and altered facilities, the prison shall provide a minimum of 3% accessible cells, but no fewer than one, of the total number of cells in Administrative Segregation.  To be accessible, all of the cells' elements, including door, clear floor space, water closet, grab bars, lavatory, mirror, bed, desk, controls, and dispensers comply with the ADA Standards.   24 months
47 Shower Room S-4, 608.2.1, 610 The shower compartment is 32 inches by 32 inches and there is no transfer space on the seat side of the shower. The shower compartment shall be 36 inches by 36 inches, the entrance shall be at least 36 inches wide, and clearance adjacent to the opening shall be 36 inches wide by 48 inches long measured from the control wall (so that the clearance extends beyond the seat). 24 months
48   213.3.6, 608.6 There is no lower accessible spray nozzle and no shower hose provided. Provide a shower spray unit with a hose at least 59 inches long that can be used both as a fixed shower head and as a hand-held shower, with an on/off control with a non-positive shutoff, that delivers water no hotter than 120 degrees.  In facilities that are not medical care facilities, long-term care facilities, transient lodging guest rooms, or residential dwelling units, a fixed shower head mounted at 48 inches above the shower floor may be used in lieu of a hand-held shower head.   24 months
49   213.3.6, 608.3.1, 609 There are no grab bars provided. Provide a grab bar 18 inches long on the wall adjacent to the seat, extending from the control wall, and provide a grab bar extending the full length of the control wall.  Grab bars shall be mounted between 33 and 36 inches high to the top of the gripping surface, 1½ inches from the wall on which they are mounted, 1½ inches from any objects projecting below, and 12 inches from any objects projecting above (other than controls or other grab bars, which may be within 1½ inches above). 24 months
50   225, 811.3 There is no accessible clothes hook.   Provide a coathook that is within 48 inches above the finished floor. 24 months
51 Common Area 226.1, 902.2 No accessible tables are provided.  At least 5% of the tables must provide space for a wheelchair.  A compliant wheelchair space must provide knee space under the table than is at least 30" wide, 27" tall, and 17" deep. 6 months
52 D-119 Group Shower Room (2006) 206.5, 213.2, 213.3.6, 404, 603, 608  There is no accessible shower. Provide a transfer shower that is exactly 36 inches wide and 36 inches deep with a 48 inch long and 36 inch wide clear floor space alongside the shower opening, and an L-shaped shower seat mounted on the wall opposite the controls and extending the full depth of the stall; OR a shower that is at least 30 inches deep and 60 inches wide with no curb or threshold and with a 36 inch deep and 60 inch wide clear floor space at the shower opening.  Ensure that the shower has grab bars, controls, a shower spray unit, and a seat, curb, and enclosure, if provided, that comply fully with the Standards. 24 months
53 Mailboxes 205, 309.3 The mail slot is 57 inches above the floor. Provide this element in a location where there is a compliant 30 inch by 48 inch clear floor space and that the operable parts are within 48 inches of the floor.  If a forward approach is required, the clear floor space may extend under an obstruction with a maximum depth of 25 inches.  If the obstruction is 20 inches to 25 inches deep, the operable parts must be mounted within 44 inches of the floor.  If a side approach is possible, the operable parts may be obstructed for a maximum height of 34 inches and for a maximum depth of 24 inches.  When this obstruction is deeper than 10 inches the operable parts must be within 46 inches of the floor. 6 months
54 Unit B-157 Showers and Toilets 213.3.6, 608.6 There is no lower accessible spray nozzle and no shower hose provided. Provide a shower spray unit with a hose at least 59 inches long that can be used both as a fixed shower head and as a hand-held shower, with an on/off control with a non-positive shutoff, that delivers water no hotter than 120 degrees.  In facilities that are not medical care facilities, long-term care facilities, transient lodging guest rooms, or residential dwelling units, a fixed shower head mounted at 48 inches above the shower floor may be used in lieu of a hand-held shower head.   6 months
55   205.1, 305, 308.2, 308.3 The soap dispenser at the lavatory is mounted 51 inches above the finished floor. Operable parts and controls of this element shall be no more than 48 inches high for a forward reach, or no more than 44 inches high if over an obstruction between 20 and 25 inches deep (for a forward reach, obstructions may not be deeper than 25 inches and obstructions must allow knee space); or mounted not more than 48 inches high for a side reach, or no more than 46 inches high if over an obstruction between 10 and 24 inches deep (for a side reach, obstructions may not be deeper than 24 inches); and accompanied by clear floor space of 30 inches by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach, respectively, by a person using a wheelchair.   6 months
56 Rec-Room Toilets - 160 205.1, 305, 308.2, 308.3 There is no accessible soap dispenser provided. Operable parts and controls of this element shall be no more than 48 inches high for a forward reach, or no more than 44 inches high if over an obstruction between 20 and 25 inches deep (for a forward reach, obstructions may not be deeper than 25 inches and obstructions must allow knee space); or mounted not more than 48 inches high for a side reach, or no more than 46 inches high if over an obstruction between 10 and 24 inches deep (for a side reach, obstructions may not be deeper than 24 inches); and accompanied by clear floor space of 30 inches by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach, respectively, by a person using a wheelchair.   6 months
57   213.3.1, 301.1, 404, 604, 604.8.1, 609 The designated accessible toilet compartment is not accessible. Provide an accessible toilet compartment at least 60 inches wide and at least 59 inches deep (or at least 56 inches deep with a wall-mounted toilet) such that all of the compartment’s elements, including door, door hardware, toilet, size and arrangement, toe clearances, grab bars, controls, and dispensers, comply with the Standards.  Standards §§ 213.3.1, 301.1, 404, 604, 604.8.1, 609. 18 months
58 Group Room - New Inmates - Non-Violent 226.1, 305, 306, 902 There are no accessible tables provided in this area. At least 5% (but no fewer than 1) of the tables shall be available for use by people with mobility disabilities. Each accessible table or work surface shall be on an accessible route; with clear floor space 30 inches wide by 48 inches deep positioned for a forward approach; with knee clearance at least 11 inches deep at 9 inches high and at least 8 inches deep at 27 inches high; and with a work surface between 28 inches and 34 inches high. They shall be dispersed throughout the office suite and rooms.  12 months
59 S-15 and S-24 Shower Room 206.5, 213.2, 213.3.6, 404, 603, 608 The shower in S-15 has a grab bar mounted on the seat wall and no permanent seat installed. Provide a transfer shower that is exactly 36 inches wide and 36 inches deep with a 48 inch long and 36 inch wide clear floor space alongside the shower opening, and an L-shaped shower seat mounted on the wall opposite the controls and extending the full depth of the stall; OR a shower that is at least 30 inches deep and 60 inches wide with no curb or threshold and with a 36 inch deep and 60 inch wide clear floor space at the shower opening.  Ensure that the shower has grab bars, controls, a shower spray unit, and a seat, curb, and enclosure, if provided, that comply fully with the Standards. 18 months
60 Visitation 226.1, 305, 306, 902 The tables in contact visitation are 20 inches high.  At least 5% (but no fewer than 1) of the tables shall be available for use by people with mobility disabilities. Each accessible table or work surface shall be on an accessible route; with clear floor space 30 inches wide by 48 inches deep positioned for a forward approach; with knee clearance at least 11 inches deep at 9 inches high and at least 8 inches deep at 27 inches high; and with a work surface between 28 inches and 34 inches high. They shall be dispersed throughout the office suite and rooms.  6 months
61 Family Toilet Room - Lobby 213.3.2, 604.5.2 The rear grab bar at the toilet is inaccessible.   Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches long (except where wall space does not permit it due to the location of a recessed fixture, in which case the grab bar may be 24 inches long and centered on the toilet), extending 12 inches from the toilet centerline on one side and 24 inches from the toilet centerline on the other side (except where an administrative authority requires flush controls to be located in a position that conflicts with the location of the rear grab bar, in which case the bar may be split or shifted to the open side).   6 months
62   213.3.2, 309.4, 604.6. The flush control is on the closed side of the toilet. Provide a flush control mounted on the “open” side of the toilet’s clear floor space, between 15 and 48 inches high, and requiring a maximum of 5 pounds of force to operate; or provide an automatic flush device.    6 months
63   213.3.2, 604.3 There is insufficient clear floor space at the toilet. Provide clearance at the toilet that is at least 60 inches wide and 56 inches deep.  This clearance may overlap with the toilet, grab bars, dispensers, coat hooks, shelves, accessible routes, clear floor space and clearances for other fixtures, and turning space; but no other fixtures or obstructions, including lavatories, may be located within this clearance.  6 months
64   205.1, 305, 308.2, 308.3 The soap dispenser is mounted 55 inches above the finished floor. Operable parts and controls of this element shall be no more than 48 inches high for a forward reach, or no more than 44 inches high if over an obstruction between 20 and 25 inches deep (for a forward reach, obstructions may not be deeper than 25 inches and obstructions must allow knee space); or mounted not more than 48 inches high for a side reach, or no more than 46 inches high if over an obstruction between 10 and 24 inches deep (for a side reach, obstructions may not be deeper than 24 inches); and accompanied by clear floor space of 30 inches by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach, respectively, by a person using a wheelchair.   6 months
65 Recreation Yard 206, 301.1, 401.1 There is no accessible route leading to the yard or any amenities on the yard. To each area, feature, or element described, provide at least one accessible route that coincides with or is located in the same area as general circulation paths.  The accessible route must have a minimum clear width of 36 inches (except that it may narrow to no less than 32 inches for a length of no more than 24 inches), or a minimum clear width of 42 inches if there is a U-turn around an obstruction less than 48 inches wide; have passing spaces at least every 200 feet; have a minimum clear headroom of 80 inches; have a surface that is firm, stable, and slip resistant; have, in the absence of a curb ramp, ramp, elevator, or platform lift, no level changes in excess of ½ inch vertically; have no level changes greater than ¼ inch vertically unless they are beveled with a slope no greater than 50%; and have a running slope no greater than 5% (or have been constructed as a fully accessible ramp) and a cross slope no greater than 2.08%. 12 months
66   226.1, 305, 306, 902 There are no accessible tables provided. At least 5% (but no fewer than 1) of the tables shall be available for use by people with mobility disabilities. Each accessible table or work surface shall be on an accessible route; with clear floor space 30 inches wide by 48 inches deep positioned for a forward approach; with knee clearance at least 11 inches deep at 9 inches high and at least 8 inches deep at 27 inches high; and with a work surface between 28 inches and 34 inches high. They shall be dispersed throughout the office suite and rooms.  12 months


No. Location 2010 Standards Citations Violation Requirement/Action Required Completion Date
67 Dormitory Bathroom 213.3.2, 309.4, 604.6 The flush control on the designated accessible toilet is on the closed side of the toilet. Provide a flush control mounted on the “open” side of the toilet’s clear floor space, between 15 and 48 inches high, and requiring a maximum of 5 pounds of force to operate; or provide an automatic flush device.   6 months
68   205.1, 305, 308.2, 308.3 Shower towel hooks are mounted more than 48 inches above the floor. Operable parts and controls of this element shall be no more than 48 inches high for a forward reach, or no more than 44 inches high if over an obstruction between 20 and 25 inches deep (for a forward reach, obstructions may not be deeper than 25 inches and obstructions must allow knee space); or mounted not more than 48 inches high for a side reach, or no more than 46 inches high if over an obstruction between 10 and 24 inches deep (for a side reach, obstructions may not be deeper than 24 inches); and accompanied by clear floor space of 30 inches by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach, respectively, by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 205.1, 305, 308.2, 308.3. 6 months
69 Dormitory Sleeping Area 232, 807.2.3 There is no compliant clear floor space at the bunk beds.  Provide access to 5% of the beds, such that sides of these beds are on an accessible route and there is a 30 inch by 48 inch clear floor space parallel to the sides of the beds.  6 months
70 Dining 226.1, 305, 306, 902 There are not enough accessible dining tables provided. At least 5% (but no fewer than 1) of the tables shall be available for use by people with mobility disabilities. Each accessible table or work surface shall be on an accessible route; with clear floor space 30 inches wide by 48 inches deep positioned for a forward approach; with knee clearance at least 11 inches deep at 9 inches high and at least 8 inches deep at 27 inches high; and with a work surface between 28 inches and 34 inches high. They shall be dispersed throughout the office suite and rooms.  12 months
71 Unit C Rec/Visit Center 205.1, 305, 308.2, 308.3 There is no accessible coat rack.  Operable parts and controls of this element shall be no more than 48 inches high for a forward reach, or no more than 44 inches high if over an obstruction between 20 and 25 inches deep (for a forward reach, obstructions may not be deeper than 25 inches and obstructions must allow knee space); or mounted not more than 48 inches high for a side reach, or no more than 46 inches high if over an obstruction between 10 and 24 inches deep (for a side reach, obstructions may not be deeper than 24 inches); and accompanied by clear floor space of 30 inches by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach, respectively, by a person using a wheelchair.   6 months
72   204, 205, 206, 213, 216, 225, 301.1, 401.1, 601.1, 703, 811. The visitor toilet room has no accessible features. Provide an accessible toilet room such that all of the room’s elements, including signage, door, door hardware, clear floor space, toilet, stall size and arrangement (if any), urinal (if provided), grab bars, lavatory, mirror, controls, and dispensers, comply with the Standards.   24 months