Sign language and oral interpreters, TTYs, and other auxiliary aids and services are available free of charge to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. For assistance, please contact any RMH Personnel or ADA Administrator or Co-Administrator(s) at _____________(voice/TTY.
RMH will also include in its Patient Guide (or equivalent) a description of its complaint resolution mechanism.To ensure effective communication with Patients and their Companions who are deaf or hard of hearing, we provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services free of charge, such as: sign language and oral interpreters, video remote interpreting services, TTYs, note takers, written materials, telephone handset amplifiers, assistive listening devices and systems, telephones compatible with hearing aids, televisions with caption capability or closed caption decoders, and open and closed captioning of most RMH programs. Please ask your nurse or other RMH Personnel for assistance, or contact the ADA Administrator or Co-Administrator(s) at ______________ (voice or TTY.
If you recognize or have any reason to believe that a Patient or a relative, close friend, or Companion of a Patient is deaf or hard of hearing, you must advise the person that appropriate auxiliary aids and services, such as sign language and oral interpreters, video remote interpreting services, TTYs, note takers, written materials, telephone handset amplifiers, assistive listening devices and systems, telephones compatible with hearing aids, televisions with captioning or closed caption decoders, and open and closed captioning of most hospital facility programs, will be provided free of charge when appropriate. If you are the responsible health care provider, you must ensure that such aids and services are provided when appropriate. All other personnel should direct that person to the appropriate ADA Administrator or Co-Administrator(s) at _____________ and reachable at ________________.RMH will deploy this policy on its intranet within one-hundred twenty days of the Effective Date of this Agreement.
Financial Litigation Unit
United States Attorney’s Office for
Western District of Virginia
310 First Street, SW
Room 906
Roanoke, Virginia 24011
A copy of the checks shall be sent to:
Krista Consiglio Frith
Assistant United States Attorney
310 First Street, SW
Room 906
Roanoke, Virginia 24011
Attorney for the United States,
Acting Under Authority Conferred by 28 U.S.C. § 515
Western District of Virginia By:
/s/ Krista Consiglio Frith
Krista Consiglio Frith
Assistant United States Attorney
Western District of Virginia
310 First Street, SW
Room 906
Roanoke, Virginia 24011
DATED: 11/27/18
DATED: 12/5/18
/s/ Steven C. Arner
Steven C. Arner, President