Barrier # New Building Name Room No. Space Name Item / Component Barriers ADA Standards and Regulations BIDMC Action to Comply with the ADA
317 Lowry Outside Suite 1B Bathroom door Inadequate maneuvering clearance 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(7), 4.13.6, Fig.25(a) Push Side remove closer
318 Lowry Outside Suite 1B Bathroom side grab bar incorrect length 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.23.4, 4.16.4 install compliant grab bar
319 Lowry Suite 1B Hallway hook above reach range 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(12)(a), 4.25.3 reposition or add hook
320 Lowry 1st floor Lobby counter low
not accessible
4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.1(2), 7.2(2) Install compliant counter or add auxiliary counter
321 Lowry 1st floor Unisex Accessible toilet room toilet paper dispenser incorrect placement 4.1.6(1)(b),
4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.22.7,
322 Lowry 1st floor Bathroom signage mounted incorrectly 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(16),
323 Lowry 1st floor Bathroom side grab bar incorrect length 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.23.4, 4.16.4 install compliant grab bar
324 Lowry 1st floor Unisex Accessible toilet room toilet paper dispenser incorrect placement 4.1.6(1)(b),
4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.22.7,
325 Lowry 1st floor Hallway registration telephone above reach range 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(17), 4.31.3 reposition/add registration telephone
326 Lowry 1st floor Hallway maneuvering clearance to telephone alcove Inadequate clear floor space 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(17), 4.31.2, relocate/add registration telephone
327 Lowry 1st floor Hallway hook above reach range 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(12)(a), 4.25.3 reposition or add hook
328 Lowry 1st floor Bathroom signage mounted incorrectly 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(16),
329 Lowry 1st floor Bathroom rear grab bar incorrect length 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.16.4 install compliant grab bar
330 Lowry 1st floor Bathroom flush control control on wrong side 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.23.4, 4.16.5 reposition or install automatic flush control
331 Lowry   Bathroom side grab bar incorrect length 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.23.4, 4.16.4 install compliant grab bar
332 Lowry 1st floor Unisex Accessible toilet room toilet paper dispenser incorrect placement 4.1.6(1)(b),
4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.22.7,
333 Lowry 1st floor Bathroom 2 side grab bar incorrect length 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.23.4, 4.16.4 install compliant grab bar
334 Lowry Outside 3A Bathroom signage mounted incorrectly 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(16),
335 Lowry Outside 3A Bathroom flush control control on wrong side 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.23.4, 4.16.5 reposition or install automatic flush control
336 Lowry Outside 3A Bathroom toilet paper dispenser incorrect placement 4.1.6(1)(b),
4.1.3(11), 4.23.4, 4.23.7,
337 Lowry Outside 3A Bathroom hook above reach range 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(12)(a), 4.25.3 reposition or add hook
338 Lowry Outside 3A Bathroom toilet seat too low 4.1.6(1)(b),
4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.16.3,
339 Lowry Suite 3A General Surgery Check-In counter mounted too high 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.1(2), 7.2(2) Install compliant counter or add auxiliary counter
340 Lowry Outside 6E Men's Room side grab bar incorrect length 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.16.4 install compliant grab bar
341 Lowry Outside 6E Men's Room toilet paper dispenser incorrect placement 4.1.6(1)(b),
4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.22.7,
342 Lowry Suite 6E Hallway signal buzzer above reach range 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(17), 4.31.3 relocate buzzer
343 Lowry Suite 6E Reception area coat rack above reach range 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(12)(a), 4.25.3 reposition or add rack
344 Lowry 6th Floor Elevator lighting fixture outside of elevator protruding object 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(2), 4.4.1 reposition or install cane-detectable warning
345 Lowry Outside Suite 8E Bathroom side grab bar incorrect length 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.23.4, 4.16.4 reposition
346 Lowry Outside Suite 8E Bathroom toilet centerline centerline too far from wall 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.16.2 provide offset flange and/or sidewall build out
347 Lowry Outside Suite 8E Bathroom flush control control on wrong side 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.23.4, 4.16.5 reposition or install automatic flush control
348 Lowry Outside Suite 8E Bathroom hook above reach range 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(12)(a), 4.25.3 reposition or add hook
349 Lowry Outside Suite 8E Bathroom 2 door inadequate maneuvering clearance 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(7), 4.13.6, Fig.25(a) Push Side remove closer
350 Lowry Outside Suite 8E Bathroom 2 hook above reach range 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(12)(a), 4.25.3 reposition or add hook
351 Lowry Outside Suite 8E Bathroom 2 toilet centerline centerline too far from wall 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4,
provide offset flange and/or sidewall build out
352 Lowry basement Hallway intercom above reach range 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(17), 4.31.3, reposition
353 Lowry basement Bronze Tunnel ramp ramp lacks level landings 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.1.3(1), 4.8.2,
provide directional signage to closest accessible route

1. Per paragraph 20 of the Settlement Agreement, corrective measures to newly constructed facilities noted herein shall comply fully with the New Construction provisions of the ADA, 42 U.S.C. § 12183(a), 28 C.F.R. §§ 36.401 & 406 including the ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Appendix A.

2. Per paragraph 21 of the Settlement Agreement, corrective measures to altered or existing facilities noted herein shall comply fully with the Alterations provisions of the ADA, 42 U.S.C. § 12183(a)(2), 28 C.F.R. §§ 36.402 - 406 including the ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Appendix A.

3. ADA Standards for Accessible Design define medical care facilities as those in which people receive physical or medical treatment or care and where persons may need assistance in responding to an emergency and where the period of stay may exceed twenty-four hours. In addition to the requirements of 4.1 through 4.35, medical care facilities and buildings shall comply with 6.

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