Announcement of Alternative ADA ANPRM Comment Process

Representatives of small business, along with individuals with disabilities, have told the Department they are interested in providing comments on the Department’s rulemaking, but would prefer to do so anonymously. While the Department is not able to accept anonymous comments, it is hereby offering an alternative means for submitting comments. The purpose of this alternative is to assist commenters who do not wish their identity to be known to Department personnel who initiate enforcement action under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and commenters who wish to remain anonymous to the public.

In order to use this alternative comment process, commenters must use the following address and include the following information in their comments. While the designated alternative comment processor within the Civil Rights Division of the Department will see the identity of the business or person making the comment, this information will not be shared with anyone responsible for initiating ADA investigations or any other person or group processing comments. Additionally, when comments submitted under this alternative process are subsequently made available for viewing at, no specific, identifying information about the commenter will be published.

1. Use Only the Following Mail or E-Mail Address if you Want to Take Advantage of the Alternative Process.,

Mail Address:

Alternative ADA ANPRM Comment Processor
Department of Justice
Main Building, Room 5537
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530

E-Mail Address:

2. Include Your Name and Address.,
(Your name and address will be deleted by the alternative comment processor designated by the Civil Rights Division before being delivered to the contractor that is performing the first stages of comment processing and to the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division, where comment processing will continue and responses to comments will be formulated. Your name and address will be retained by the alternative comment processor and at no time be made available to the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division or anyone else responsible for initiating enforcement action under the ADA or for processing comments.)

3. State the type of entity (business or individual).
If you are a business, include the type of business, your approximate number of employees, and the State in which the business is located (e.g., independent hardware store, 5 employees, Indiana). If you are an individual, state the basis of your expertise on the matter commented upon (e.g., wheelchair user for 10 years). (This information is necessary so that the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division can determine the experience and knowledge of the commenter with respect to the matter commented upon.)

Comments submitted through this alternative procedure –

  • Will be posted for public viewing and identified by type of business, number of employees, and State (or other stated basis for expertise);

  • May take longer to process because they must undergo an extra step; and

  • If unreadable for any reason, will not result in notification to the sender.

The alternative comment processor of the Civil Rights Division will set up a procedure for letting our consultant and the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division know when multiple comments are sent by the same entity.

Please take care to follow the instructions contained in this announcement. Your comment will not be considered if you do not include the information specified in this announcement. If you have any questions, please call our toll-free ADA Information Line at (800) 514-0301 (voice) or (800) 514-0383 (TTY).

Proposal to Issue Revised ADA Standards

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updated May 16, 2005