Program Access in Existing Facilities Please Note: Paragraph 33 of the Agreement requires that within three months of the effective date of this Agreement, the City will provide signage as necessary to comply with 28 C.F.R. § 35.163(b), after having surveyed all facilities that are the subject of this Agreement for the purpose of identifying those that have multiple entrances not all of which are accessible. The technical requirements and, where appropriate, the scoping requirements of the Standards are used as a guide for determining whether a program or activity held in an existing facility is "readily accessible to and usable by" persons with disabilities and for determining what changes are necessary to make this program or activity accessible if it continues to be provided in the existing facility in question. See 28 C.F.R. §§ 35.150(b)(1), 35.151. The chart below lists the facilities surveyed and gives an alphanumeric code for the required remedial action. The key to these codes is found in Attachment M to this agreement.

item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
1 Second Street Parking Deck between Princess and Chestnut
1.1 Parking. The parking lot, with a total of 393 parking spaces, is inaccessible because it does not have a designated van accessible space, only 80 inches of vertical clearance is provided, and the two signs designating accessible spaces in the northwest corner are mounted too low. P3 M2 30 months
1.2 Accessible Route
1.2.a The route is inaccessible because the curb ramp in the northwest corner has a slope of 10%, and the side flares have slopes of 21.1% and 29.9%. AR5 M2 30 months
1.2.b The route is inaccessible because the curb ramp in the northeast corner has a slope of 10.6%, and the side flares have slopes of 43.8% and 36.5%. AR5 M2 30 months
2 Second Street Parking Lot at Market Street
2.1 Parking. The parking lot is inaccessible because the designated accessible parking spaces and access aisles have cross slopes of up to 5.5%. P7 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
3 Hilton Park, at 407 Hilton Street
3.1 Picnic Tables. The picnic tables are inaccessible because none provides the required knee space. PD6 M2 30 months
3.2 Accessible Route. The route is inaccessible because there is no curb ramp leading to the Christmas tree viewing area. AR5 M2 30 months
4 City Hall and Thalian Hall, at 102 North 3rd Street
4.1 Exterior Accessible Route
4.1.a The curb ramp from the parking area is inaccessible because its side flares have slopes of 28.1% and 22.7%. AR5 M2 30 months
4.1.b The route from the parking area to the entrance ramp is inaccessible because the sidewalk has a slope of up to 10.3% and has no ramp features. AR1 M2 30 months
4.1.c The entrance ramp is inaccessible because it has a slope of 10%, the handrails are mounted at 31½ inches above the ground, the handrails have no extensions at the top or bottom of the sloped surface, and the left handrail is mounted 4½ inches from the wall at the bottom. R5 M2 30 months
4.2 Entrance. The automatic door opener is inaccessible because it requires 7 pounds of force to operate. TR3 M2 30 months
4.3 Drinking Fountains
4.3.a The 1 floor fountain by the women's toilet room is inaccessible because it requires 14 pounds of force tost operate. DF2 M2 30 months
4.3.b The 2nd floor drinking fountain is inaccessible because it has a spout that is 41½ inches above the finished floor. DF6 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
4.3.c The basement drinking fountain protrudes into the walkway more than 4 inches at a heighr of between 27 and 80 inches and is not detectable to blind persons using a cane. AR8 M2 30 months
4.4 Basement Accessible Route
4.4.a The basement hallway is inaccessible because there are only 66½ inches of head room provided under the "Information" sign and 70 inches of head room under the "City Clerk's Office" sign, both of which pose safety hazards. AR7 M2 30 months
4.4.b The mirror under the City Clerk's Office sign protrudes into the walkway more than 4 inches at a height of between 27 and 80 inches and is not detectable to blind persons using a cane. AR8 M2 30 months
4.5 Elevator. The elevator is inaccessible because the emergency system requires voice communication to operate. E8 M2 30 months
4.6 Men's Toilet Room with Stalls - Lobby, 1 floor. There is no accessible stall provided. st ST15 M2 30 months
4.7 Women's Toilet Room with Stalls - Lobby, 1st floor
4.7.a The door is inaccessible because it requires 16 pounds of force to open. D2 M2 30 months
4.7.b The feminine products dispenser protrudes into the walkway more than 4 inches at a height of between 27 and 80 inches and is not detectable to blind persons using a cane. AR8 M2 30 months
4.7.c The lavatory is inaccessible because the rim or top of the counter is 36 inches above the finished floor. TR11 M2 30 months
4.7.d The designated accessible stall is inaccessible because it is incorrectly configured as an ambulatory stall, and no standard accessible stall has been provided. ST15 M2 30 months
4.8 City Council Assembly Area
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
4.8.a The door is inaccessible because it requires 10 pounds of force to open. D2 M2 30 months
4.8.b There is no accessible route onto the dais. AR2 M2 30 months
4.8.c The assembly area is inaccessible to people who are hard of hearing because no assistive listening system has been provided. AA5 M2 30 months
4.9 Women's Toilet Room with Stalls - 2nd Floor
4.9.a The door is inaccessible because it requires 15 pounds of force to open. D2 M2 30 months
4.9.b The lavatory is inaccessible because the rim or top of the counter is 35¾ inches above the finished floor. TR11 M2 30 months
4.9.c No standard accessible toilet stall has been provided. ST15 M2 30 months
4.10 Men's Toilet Room with Stalls - 2nd Floor
4.10.a The door is inaccessible because it requires 15 pounds of force to open. D2 M2 30 months
4.10.b The lavatory is inaccessible because the rim or top of the counter is 35½ inches above the finished floor. TR11 M2 30 months
4.10.c The designated accessible stall is inaccessible because it is incorrectly configured as an ambulatory stall, and no standard accessible stall has been provided. ST15 M2 30 months
4.11 Basement Entrance
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
4.11.a The route to the exterior basement entrance, which is the only possible accessible route to the basement, is inaccessible because the exterior ramp has no handrails. R4 M2 30 months
4.11.b The entrance door is inaccessible because there is a slope of 11.8% in front of the door on the outside, and there is a slope of 10.2% just inside the door within the door's required maneuvering clearance. D13 M2 30 months
5 Hemenway Park, at 206 N. 5th Street
5.1 Exterior Accessible Routes. The routes to the basketball court, trash cans, and playground equipment are inaccessible because they are not firm, stable, and slip resistant. AR1 M2 30 months
5.2 Drinking Fountains. Although a drinking fountain is provided, this fountain has many inaccessible elements, and there is no accessible drinking fountain. DF1 M2 30 months
6 Municipal Center, at 305 Chestnut Street
6.1 Parking. The parking lot, with a total of 24 parking spaces, is inaccessible because the two designated accessible parking spaces have no access aisles, one has a cross slope greater than 2%, and the lot has no van accessible space. This lot requires at least 1 space, which must be van accessible. P3 M2 30 months
6.2 Exterior Accessible Route
6.2.a The ramp to the fountain is inaccessible because it has a handrail on only one side and the handrail does not have extensions at the top or bottom. R2 M2 30 months
6.2.b The pole-mounted black box to the left of the south entrance protrudes into the walkway more than 4 inches at a height of between 27 and 80 inches and is not detectable to blind persons using a cane. AR8 M2 30 months
6.3 West Elevator contains a number of inaccessible elements and is not accessible to people with disabilities. There is no signage directing people with disabilities to the accessible elevator. TR 16 M2 30 months
6.4 East Elevator
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
6.4.a The elevator is inaccessible because some of the hoistway signage does not have raised and Braille characters. E12 M2 30 months
6.4.b The elevator is inaccessible because, although emergency communications are provided, the system does not work without voice communication. E8 M2 30 months
6.5 Men's and Women's Toilet Rooms with Stalls - Floors 1 through 4-Inaccessible
6.5.a The toilet rooms contain a number of inaccessible elements and are not accessible to people with disabilities. There is no signage directing people with disabilities to the accessible toilet rooms. TR16 M2 30 months
6.6 Drinking Fountains
6.6.a The 1 floor and "Two Story" drinking fountains are inaccessible because they have spouts that are 38 inchesst and 43 inches, respectively, above the finished floor. DF6 M2 30 months
6.6.b The "Two Story" drinking fountain is inaccessible because the controls require more than 5 pounds of force to operate. DF2 M2 30 months
6.6.c The 1 floor and "Two Story" drinking fountains protrude into the walkway more than 4 inches at a height ofst between 27 and 80 inches and are not detectable to blind persons using a cane. AR8 M2 30 months
6.7 Interior Ramp - Collections
6.7.a The ramp is inaccessible because the handrails have no extensions at the top or bottom. R4 M2 30 months
6.7.b The ramp is inaccessible because it has no edge protection. R1 M2 30 months
6.8 Engineering Office. The counter protrudes into the walkway more than 4 inches at a height of between 27 and 80 inches and is not detectable to blind persons using a cane. AR8 M2 30 months
6.9 Women's Toilet Room with Stalls - 5th Floor Tower
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
6.9.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is mounted on the door and has no raised or Braille characters. TR30 M2 30 months
6.9.b The door is inaccessible because it requires 12 pounds of force to open. D2 M2 30 months
6.9.c The designated accessible stall is inaccessible because it is incorrectly configured as an ambulatory stall, and no standard accessible stall has been provided. ST15 M2 30 months
6.10 Men's Toilet Room with Stalls- 5th Floor Tower
6.10.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is mounted on the door and has no raised or Braille characters. TR30 M2 30 months
6.10.b The door is inaccessible because it requires 13 pounds of force to open. D2 M2 30 months
6.10.c The urinal is inaccessible because the clear floor space is only 28 inches wide. TR20 M2 30 months
6.10.d The designated accessible stall is inaccessible because it is incorrectly configured as an ambulatory stall, and no standard accessible stall has been provided. ST15 M2 30 months
6.11 Public Utilities / City Engineers Office - 2nd Floor
6.11.a The door is inaccessible because it has an opening width of only 28 inches. D25 M2 30 months
6.11.b The door is inaccessible because it requires 16 pounds of force to open. D2 M2 30 months
6.12 2 Floor "Two Story" Skywalk Entrance. The doors on each side of the skywalk are inaccessible because nd they require 16 pounds of force to open. D2 M2 30 months
7 Innes Park, at 3rd and Princess Street
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
7.1 Exterior Accessible Route. The three routes into the park are all inaccessible because there are no curb ramps providing access to the sidewalk. AR5 M2 30 months
8 Park Administration Building, at 302 Willard Street
8.1 Entrance. The entrance door is inaccessible because it has a 1½ inch unbeveled threshold. D23 M2 30 months
8.2 Drinking Fountain. Although a designated accessible drinking fountain is provided, no drinking fountain has been provided for people who have difficulty bending or stooping. DF3 M2 30 months
8.3 Unisex Single User Toilet Room
8.3.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is mounted on the hinge side of the door. TR30 M2 30 months
8.3.b The paper towel dispenser is inaccessible because it is mounted with the controls 55½ inches above the finished floor. TR5 M2 30 months
8.3.c The soap dispenser is inaccessible because it is mounted more than 44 inches above the finished floor behind the lavatory, with only a forward reach over an obstruction available. TR4 M2 30 months
8.3.d The toilet is inaccessible because the centerline is 26 inches from the side wall. SU15 M2 30 months
8.3.e The toilet is inaccessible because the flush control is on the closed side. SU1 M2 30 months
8.3.f The side grab bar at the toilet is inaccessible because it is only 37 inches long. SU6 M2 30 months
9 Optimist Park, at 1700 Burnet Street
9.1 Parking. No van accessible parking space has been provided. P3 M2 30 months
9.2 Exterior Accessible Routes
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
9.2.a There is no accessible route onto either ballfield because the paths are not stable, firm, and slip resistant. AR1 M2 30 months
9.2.b The ramp to the toilet rooms is inaccessible because it has a slope of 9.1% at the top, it does not have adequate edge protection, and the handrails do not have extensions, are not 1¼ to 1½ inches in diameter, and are not smooth and free of splinters. R5 M2 30 months
9.3 Picnic Tables. The picnic tables throughout the park are inaccessible because none provides the required knee space. PD6 M2 30 months
9.4 Women's Toilet Room with Stalls
9.4.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it has no raised or Braille characters. TR30 M2 30 months
9.4.b No accessible mirror has been provided. TR14 M2 30 months
9.4.c The lavatory is inaccessible because it has a twist-type faucet. TR10 M2 30 months
9.4.d No accessible coat hook has been provided. TR1 M2 30 months
9.5 Men's Toilet Room with Stalls
9.5.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it has no raised or Braille characters. TR30 M2 30 months
9.5.b The lavatory is inaccessible because it has a twist-type faucet. TR10 M2 30 months
9.5.c The urinal is inaccessible because the flush control is 46½ inches above the finished floor. TR20 M2 12 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
9.5.d No accessible coat hook has been provided. TR1 M2 12 months
10 Godwin Stadium
10.1 Parking. The parking lot is inaccessible because it has no van accessible parking space. P3 M2 30 months
10.2 Exterior Accessible Route
10.2.a The route from the parking area into the stadium is inaccessible because the ramp has a slope of 12.4% and has no handrails. R5 M2 30 months
10.2.b The route to the picnic tables and dugout is inaccessible because it has a slope of 7% and does not have ramp features. AR1 M2 30 months
10.2.c The route onto the field and into the dugout are inaccessible because it contains several steps. AR1 M2 30 months
10.3 Picnic Shelters. The picnic tables are inaccessible because none provides the required knee space. PD6 M2 30 months
10.4 Men's Toilet Room with Stalls
10.4.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is mounted on the door and does not have raised or Braille characters. TR30 M2 30 months
10.4.b The pull side of the door, which is accessed through a front approach, is inaccessible because it has only 6 inches of clearance on the latch side. D6 M2 30 months
10.4.c The urinal is inaccessible because the rim is 19 inches above the finished floor. TR20 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
10.4.d The designated accessible stall is inaccessible because it is incorrectly configured as an ambulatory stall, and no standard accessible stall has been provided. ST15 M2 30 months
10.5 Women's Toilet Room with Stalls
10.5.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is mounted on the door and does not have raised or Braille characters. TR30 M2 30 months
10.5.b The pull side of the door, which is accessed through a front approach, is inaccessible because it has only 6 inches of clearance on the latch side. D6 M2 30 months
10.5.c The paper towel dispenser is inaccessible because it is mounted 48 inches above the finished floor behind the lavatory. TR4 M2 30 months
10.5.d The designated accessible stall is inaccessible because it is incorrectly configured as an ambulatory stall, and no standard accessible stall has been provided. ST15 M2 30 months
10.6 Concession Counter. The concession counter is inaccessible because its top surface is 42 inches above the finished floor. C5 M2 30 months
11 Greenfield Park, on Park Street
11.1 Parking – East Lot
11.1.a The parking lot is inaccessible because, although the parking lot has a total of 78 parking spaces, only 3 spaces are designated as reserved for people with disabilities. This lot requires at least 1 van accessible space and 3 standard accessible spaces. P3 M2 30 months
11.1.b The route from the parking area to the entrance is inaccessible because the curb ramp has a slope of 9.4%. AR5 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
11.2 Parking – Far East Lot. The parking lot, with a total of 64 parking spaces, is inaccessible because it has only one designated standard accessible parking space, which has no access aisle. This lot requires at least 1 van accessible space and 2 standard accessible spaces. P3 M2 30 months
11.3 Parking – West Lot
11.3.a The parking lot, with a total of 83 parking spaces, has no van accessible space. This lot requires at least 1 van accessible space. P3 M2 30 months
11.3.b The routes from the accessible parking spaces are inaccessible because two of the curb ramps have slopes of 11.3% and 13.4%. AR5 M2 30 months
11.4 Toilet Rooms with Stalls, near Bathhouse
11.4.a The toilet room signs are inaccessible because they are mounted overhead and have no raised or Braille characters. TR30 M2 30 months
11.4.b These toilet rooms are inaccessible, and there is no signage directing people with disabilities to the nearby toilet rooms which are being renovated to provide accessibility. TR16 M2 30 months
11.5 Small Grotto Picnic Area
11.5.a Exterior Accessible Route. The route entering the grotto on the west side is inaccessible because it has a slope of 6.8%, and the route on the east side has a slope of 10.5%; neither route has any ramp features. AR1 M2 30 months
11.5.b The picnic tables are inaccessible because none provides the required knee space. PD6 M2 30 months
11.6 Tennis Courts. The route into the tennis court is inaccessible because it has a slope of 8.4% and has no ramp features. AR1 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
11.7 Drinking Fountains by Skate Park. The drinking fountain is inaccessible because the spout is not located at or near the front of the unit, the water flow is 5½ inches from the front of the fountain, the fountain has only 26 inches of knee space height, and no fountain has been provided for people with difficulty bending or stooping. DF1 M2 30 months
11.8 Lion's Bridge. Lion's Bridge is inaccessible because the slope averages approximately 11.2%, and it does not have compliant handrails. R3 M2 30 months
11.9 Jackson Point Picnic Area. The picnic area is inaccessible because none of the tables provides the required knee space and none is on a route that is stable, firm, and slip resistant. PD6 M2 30 months
11.10 Bridge at Top of Jumping Run Path. The bridge is inaccessible because it has a slope of 10.3% on one side and 11.2% on the other side, and there is a 2 inch change in level at the end of the bridge on one side. AR1 M2 30 months
11.11 Parking – Lakeshore Drive, near Cypress Drive. The parking lot, with a total of 30 parking spaces, is inaccessible because it has no accessible parking spaces. This lot requires at least 1 space reserved for people with disabilities, which must be van accessible space. P3 M2 30 months
11.12 Docks. The routes to the docks are inaccessible because they are not firm, stable, and slip resistant. AR1 M2 30 months
11.13 Fragrance Garden on Amphitheater Drive. The route into the fragrance garden is inaccessible because there is a 1½ inch change in level onto the brick walk. AR1 M2 30 months
12 Wallace Park, at 21st and Metts Streets
12.1 Exterior Accessible Routes. The routes from the roadway and bridge to the swings, children's play area, picnic table, trash cans, and soccer field are inaccessible because they are not stable, firm, and slip resistant, and there is a level change (lip) on the route up to the picnic table. AR1 M2 30 months
13 Rankin Park, at 10th and Rankin Streets
13.1 Exterior Accessible Routes. The route to the swings is inaccessible because it is not stable, firm, and slip resistant, and there is a wooden border around the play area. AR1 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
14 Church and Nun Park, at Church and Nun Streets
14.1 Exterior Accessible Routes. The routes from the sidewalks to the play equipment, trash cans, and park information board are inaccessible because they are not stable, firm, and slip resistant, and there is a wooden border around the play equipment. AR1 M2 30 months
15 Nunalee Park, at 17th and Church Streets
15.1 Exterior Accessible Route. The route to the picnic area is inaccessible because it is not stable, firm, and slip resistant. AR1 M2 30 months
16 Thomas B. Lilly (Forest Hills) Park
16.1 Exterior Accessible Routes. The routes to the exercise area and pet waste receptacle are inaccessible because they are not stable, firm, and slip resistant, and there is a wooden border around the exercise area. AR1 M2 30 months
17 Beaumont Park (Forest Hills), at Wayne Drive and Renovah Circle
17.1 Exterior Accessible Routes. The routes to all of the park's amenities are inaccessible because they are not stable, firm, and slip resistant, and there is a wooden border around the playground. AR1 M2 30 months
17.2 Parking. The parking lot is inaccessible because the designated accessible parking space has no access aisle, there is no van accessible space, and there is a built-up curb ramp in the designated accessible parking space. This lot requires at least one parking space reserved for people with disabilities, which must be van accessible. P3 M2 30 months
17.3 Exterior Accessible Route
17.3.a The route is inaccessible because the built-up curb ramp impermissibly extends into the designated accessible parking space, where it can be blocked by a legally parked vehicle. AR5 M2 30 months
17.3.b The entrance ramp is inaccessible because it lacks handrails along the lower portion. R4 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
17.4 Entrances
17.4.a The building does not have directional signage posted at inaccessible entrances and does not have the International Symbol of Accessibility posted at accessible entrances. D16 M2 30 months
18 Empie Park
18.1 Parking Lot near Dog Park. The parking lot is inaccessible because the surface is not firm, stable, and slip resistant, and there are no designated accessible parking spaces. P3 M2 30 months
18.2 Exterior Accessible Routes. The sidewalk leading into the dog park is inaccessible because there is a 1 inch step up onto it, there is no curb ramp, and the sidewalk has a slope ranging between 7.8% and 8.6% with no ramp features. AR1 M2 30 months
18.3 Drinking Fountain near Tennis Courts. The drinking fountain is inaccessible because the spout is not located at or near the front of the fountain, the water flow is more than 3 inches from the front of the fountain, and no fountain has been provided for people with difficulty bending or stooping. DF1 M2 30 months
18.4 Women's Toilet Room near Tennis Courts. The toilet room contains a number of inaccessible elements and is not accessible to people with disabilities. There is no signage directing people with disabilities to the accessible toilet rooms. ST 16 M2 30 months
18.5 Picnic Shelter 1. The picnic shelter is inaccessible because of a 5 inch step at its entrance. AR1 M2 30 months
18.6 Drinking Fountain near Picnic Shelters. The drinking fountain is inaccessible because the spout is not located at or near the front of the fountain, the spout is 37 inches above the finished floor, the water flow is more than 3 inches from the front of the fountain, and no fountain has been provided for people with difficulty bending or stooping. DF1 M2 30 months
18.7 Picnic Shelter 2
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
18.7.a The picnic tables are inaccessible because none provides the required knee space. PD6 M2 30 months
18.7.b The route to the grill is inaccessible because it is not stable, firm, and slip resistant. AR1 M2 30 months
18.8 Women's Toilet Room near Tennis Courts. The toilet room contains a number of inaccessible elements and is not accessible to people with disabilities. There is no signage directing people with disabilities to the accessible toilet rooms. ST 16 M2 30 months
18.9 Men's Toilet Room with Stalls near Picnic Shelters. The toilet room contains a number of inaccessible elements and is not accessible to people with disabilities. There is no signage directing people with disabilities to the accessible toilet rooms. ST 16 M2 30 months
18.10 Parking near Baseball Fields. The parking lot, with a total of 53 parking spaces, is inaccessible because it has no van accessible parking space. This lot requires at least one van accessible space and 2 standard accessible spaces. P3 M2 30 months
18.11 Drinking Fountain near Baseball Fields. The drinking fountain contains a number of inaccessible elements. DF1 M2 30 months
18.12 Baseball Fields
18.12.a The route to one of the dugouts is inaccessible because it is obstructed by a light post. AR3 M2 30 months
18.12.b The ramp to the accessible seating in Field 2 is inaccessible because a handrail has been provided on only one side of the ramp. R4 M2 30 months
18.13 Toilet Rooms near Baseball Fields. The toilet rooms contain a number of inaccessible elements and are not accessible to people with disabilities. ST14 M2 30 months
19 Mother's Park
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
19.1 Exterior Accessible Routes. The routes to all of the park's amenities are inaccessible because they are not stable, firm, and slip resistant, and there is a wooden border around the playground and the swings. AR1 M2 30 months
20 Tower Park, at 9th and Wooster Streets
20.1 Exterior Accessible Route. The sloped brick surface leading from the sidewalk up to the basketball court is inaccessible because it has a slope of 17.2% and it has no ramp features. AR1 M2 30 months
21 Dram Tree Park, at Castle and Surry Streets
21.1 Parking. The van accessible parking reserved for persons with disabilities is inaccessible because it lacks the appropriate vertical signage. P6 M2 30 months
21.2 Exterior Accessible Route
21.2.a The route from parking onto the sidewalk is inaccessible because there is a 1 inch change in level at the bottom of the curb ramp. AR5 M2 30 months
21.2.b The curb ramp from the driveway leading to the dock seating area is inaccessible because it has a slope of 9.2%. AR5 M2 30 months
21.2.c The route to the dock seating area is inaccessible because it has a slope of approximately 7.6% and has no ramp features. R5 M2 30 months
22 Wilmington City Golf Course, at 311 South Wallace Avenue
22.1 The City is undertaking significant renovations to the Golf Course and has submitted plans of the planned modifications. The Department will review the documentation for conformity to the ADA Standards for Accessible Design and will note any deficiencies. The City will ensure that any deficiencies are corrected and that construction is carried out in compliance with the plans, as approved by the Department.. M2 30 months
23 Martin Luther King Center, at 410 South 8th Avenue
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
23.1 Exterior Accessible Route
23.1.a The route from the parking area to the entrance is inaccessible because the curb ramp has flared sides with slopes that exceed 10%. AR5 M2 30 months
23.1.b The routes to the tennis courts, playground equipment near the parking area, and baseball field are inaccessible because the routes to the tennis courts and playground equipment are not stable, firm, and slip resistant, there is no curb ramp providing access to the tennis courts, the playground is surrounded by a wooden barrier, and there is a step down onto the baseball field. AR1 M2 30 months
24 Robert Strange Park, at 410 South 8th Avenue
24.1 Parking. The parking lot, with a total of approximately 15 parking spaces, is inaccessible because it has no van accessible parking space. This lot requires at least one parking space reserved for people with disabilities, which must be van accessible. P3 M2 30 months
24.2 Exterior Accessible Route. The route from the parking area to the pool is inaccessible because the curb ramp is only 30 inches wide and the side flares have slopes that exceed 10%. AR5 M2 30 months
24.3 Women's Locker Room
24.3.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is mounted on the door and has no raised or Braille characters. TR30 M2 30 months
24.3.b The door is inaccessible because it has a ½ inch high unbeveled threshold. D23 M2 30 months
24.3.c Although an audible alarm is provided in this facility to alert people to emergencies, there is no visual alarm appliance in the toilet room to alert people who are deaf or hard of hearing to emergencies. TR21 M2 30 months
24.3.d The paper towel dispenser is inaccessible because it is mounted with the controls 56 inches above the finished floor. TR5 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
24.3.e The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact. TR12 M2 30 months
24.3.f The designated accessible stall is inaccessible because it is incorrectly configured as an ambulatory stall, and no standard accessible stall has been provided. ST15 M2 30 months
24.3.g The transfer shower is inaccessible because it is 48 inches by 43 inches, the shower seat does not extend the full depth of the stall, there is no clear floor space outside the shower from which to transfer, and the shower controls and spray unit are not located on the wall opposite the seat. B8 M2 30 months
24.3.h No accessible towel hook has been provided. TR1 M2 30 months
24.3.i None of the dressing rooms is accessible, and the bench is inaccessible because it is only 12½ inches wide. LR2 M2 30 months
24.4 Men's Locker Room
24.4.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is mounted on the door and has no raised or Braille characters. TR30 M2 30 months
24.4.b The door is inaccessible because of a ½ inch high unbeveled threshold. D23 M2 30 months
24.4.c Although an audible alarm is provided in this facility to alert people to emergencies, there is no visual alarm appliance in the toilet room to alert people who are deaf or hard of hearing to emergencies. TR21 M2 30 months
24.4.d The paper towel dispenser is inaccessible because it is mounted 55 inches above the finished floor over the lavatories. TR4 M2 30 months
24.4.e The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact. TR12 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
24.4.f The urinal is inaccessible because the flush control is 54 inches above the finished floor. TR20 M2 30 months
24.4.g The designated accessible stall is incorrectly configured as an ambulatory stall, and no standard accessible stall has been provided. ST15 M2 30 months
24.4.h The shower is inaccessible because it has grab bars on only 2 walls, and one of the grab bars is mounted behind the seat. B8 M2 30 months
24.4.i The bench is inaccessible because it is 12 inches wide. LR1 M2 30 months
24.5 Ball Field Toilet Rooms with Stalls. The toilet rooms contain a number of inaccessible elements and are not accessible to people with disabilities. TR22 M2 30 months
24.6 Concession Counter. The concession counter is inaccessible because it is 46 inches high. C5 M2 30 months
25 Kennedy Park, at Plaza Drive and West 21st Street
25.1 The route into and throughout Kennedy Park is inaccessible because there is no curb ramp providing access onto the sidewalk; the paths of travel to the park's various amenities are not stable, firm, and slip resistant; and the playground and gazebo can only be accessed via steps. AR1 M2 30 months
26 Love Grove (Archie Blue Park), at Wynnwood and Stenley
26.1 The route into and throughout Love Grove Park is inaccessible because the paths of travel to the park's amenities are no stable, firm, and slip resistant. AR1 M2 30 months
26.2 The picnic tables are inaccessible because none provides the required knee space. PD6 M2 30 months
27 Anne McCrary Park, at Randall Parkway
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
27.1 Parking. The van accessible parking reserved for persons with disabilities is inaccessible because it lacks the appropriate vertical signage. P6 M2 30 months
28 M. Hemenway Community Center, at 507 McRae Street
28.1 Curb Ramp. The route from on-street parking to the community center is inaccessible because the curb ramp has a cross slope of 3.1%. AR5 M2 30 months
28.2 Picnic Shelter. The picnic tables are inaccessible because none provides the required knee space. PD6 M2 30 months
28.3 Playground. The route to the playground equipment is inaccessible because it is not stable, firm, and slip resistant. AR1 M2 30 months
28.4 Entrance. The entrance door is inaccessible because of a slope of 4.7% within the door's required maneuvering clearance. D13 M2 30 months
28.5 Although the facility contains an emergency alarm system to alert people to emergencies, the alarm system is inaccessible because there are no visual alarms provided to alert people who are deaf or hard of hearing to emergencies. AL1 M2 30 months
28.6 Accessible Interior Route
28.6.a The route through the building is inaccessible because the hallway near the computer room has a slope of 8.7% and has no ramp features. R5 M2 30 months
28.6.b The higher drinking fountain outside the toilet rooms protrudes into the walkway 4 inches at a height between 27 and 80 inches and is not detectable to blind persons using a cane. AR8 M2 30 months
28.7 Men's Single User Toilet Room
28.7.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is mounted on the door and does not have raised or Braille characters. TR30 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
28.7.b No accessible mirror has been provided. TR14 M2 30 months
28.7.c The soap dispenser is inaccessible because it is mounted 53½ inches above the finished floor over the toilet. TR4 M2 30 months
28.7.d The paper towel dispenser protrudes into the walkway more than 4 inches at a height between 27 and 80 inches and is not detectable to blind persons using a cane. AR8 M2 30 months
28.7.e The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water and drain pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact. TR12 M2 30 months
28.7.f The lavatory is inaccessible because the rim or top of the counter is 35½ inches above the finished floor. TR11 M2 30 months
28.7.g The side grab bar at the toilet is inaccessible because it is mounted with the far end 49 inches from the rear wall. SU6 M2 30 months
28.7.h The rear grab bar is inaccessible because it is 30 inches long and it is obstructed by the toilet tank and the soap dispenser. SU2 M2 30 months
28.8 Women's Single User Toilet Room
28.8.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is mounted on the door and does not have raised or Braille characters. TR30 M2 30 months
28.8.b No accessible mirror has been provided. TR14 M2 30 months
28.8.c The paper towel dispenser protrudes into the walkway more than 4 inches at a height between 27 and 80 inches and is not detectable to blind persons using a cane. AR8 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
28.8.d The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water and drain pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact. TR30 M2 30 months
28.9 Legion Stadium
28.9.a Robert Shipp Pool Picnic Tables - Robert Shipp Pool. The picnic tables are inaccessible because none provides the required knee space. PD6 M2 30 months
28.10 First Aid Station - Robert Shipp Pool
28.10.a The entry door is inaccessible because there is a 2½ inch high threshold. D22 M2 30 months
28.10.b The door is inaccessible because knob hardware is used. D1 M2 30 months
28.11 Lifeguard Office - Robert Shipp Pool. The entry door is inaccessible because there is a 2½ inch high threshold. D22 M2 30 months
29 Men's Locker Room - Robert Shipp Pool
29.1.a The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is not mounted on the latch side of the door and does not have raised or Braille characters. T18 M2 30 months
29.1.b The toilet room is inaccessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing because, although an audible alarm is provided in this facility, there is no visual alarm appliance in the toilet room. TR21 M2 30 months
29.1.c The lavatory is inaccessible because the hardware requires twisting to operate. TR10 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
29.1.d No accessible mirror has been provided. TR14 M2 30 months
29.1.e The lower urinal is inaccessible because the rim is 19½ inches above the finished floor and the flush control is 48 inches above the finished floor. TR20 M2 30 months
29.1.f The designated accessible stall is incorrectly configured as an ambulatory stall, and no standard accessible stall has been provided. ST15 M2 30 months
29.1.g The roll-in shower is inaccessible because it has grab bars on only two walls, including the wall behind the seat, the grab bars are mounted 2¾ inches from the wall and 28 inches above the finished floor, and the fixed shower head is more than 48 inches above the finished floor. B8 M2 30 months
29.1.h No accessible towel hook has been provided. TR1 M2 30 months
29.1.i The benches are inaccessible because they are only 12 inches wide. LR1 M2 30 months
29.2 Women's Locker Room - Robert Shipp Pool
29.2.a The toilet room signage is inaccessible because it is not mounted on the latch side of the door and does not have raised or Braille characters. TR18 M2 30 months
29.2.b The toilet room is inaccessible because, although an audible alarm is provided in this facility, there is no visual alarm appliance in the toilet room. TR21 M2 30 months
29.2.c The designated accessible stall is incorrectly configured as an ambulatory stall, and no standard accessible stall has been provided. ST15 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
29.2.d The transfer shower is inaccessible because it is 45 inches by 48 inches, the seat does not extend the full depth of the stall and is not mounted on the wall opposite the controls, the grab bars are mounted 2¾ inches from the wall and 28 inches above the finished floor, and the fixed shower head is more than 48 inches above the finished floor. B8 M2 30 months
29.2.e No accessible towel hook has been provided. TR1 M2 30 months
29.2.f The benches are inaccessible because they are 12 inches wide. LR1 M2 30 months
29.3 Exterior Drinking Fountain - Robert Shipp Pool
29.3.a The lower drinking fountain is inaccessible because it has a spout that is 37½ inches above the finished floor. DF6 M2 30 months
29.3.b The drinking fountain protrudes into the walkway more than 4 inches at a height between 27 and 80 inches and is not detectable to blind persons using a cane. AR8 M2 30 months
29.3.c The side grab bar at the toilet is inaccessible because it is mounted with the far end 49½ inches from the rear wall. SU6 M2 30 months
30 Northside Park and Earl Jackson Pool, at 750 Bess Street
30.1 Pool Admission Counter. The admission counter is inaccessible because it is 43½ inches above the finished floor. C5 M2 30 months
30.2 Pool Drinking Fountains. Although there is a designated accessible drinking fountain, there is no drinking fountain provided for people who have difficulty bending or stooping. DF3 M2 30 months
item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
30.3 Pool Toilet and Locker Rooms. The toilet and locker rooms contain a number of inaccessible elements and are inaccessible to people with disabilities. ST14; LR1; LR3, M2 30 months
30.4 Picnic Tables. The picnic tables are inaccessible because none provides the required knee space. M2 30 months
30.5 Exterior Accessible Routes
30.5.a The route along the front of the bath house is inaccessible because it has a slope of 9.1%, has a cross slope of 3.2%, and lacks ramp features. AR1 M2 30 months
30.5.b Two of the curb ramps on the walkway leading to the pool building are inaccessible because they have slopes of 11% and 12.7%. AR5 M2 30 months
30.5.c Northside Park - Picnic Shelter #2. The fixed tables are inaccessible because none provides the required clear floor space. PD6 M2 30 months
29.1 Baseball field
29.1.a. The ramp to the seating area is inaccessible because the concrete portion at the bottom has a slope of 21.4%, the lower leg has a slope of 9.5%, and accessible handrails are not provided. R3 M2 30 months
29.1.b. The stadium seating is inaccessible because the wheelchair seating locations are not integrated, and fixed companion seats have not been provided adjacent to the wheelchair seating locations. AA7 M2 30 months
30.6 Men's and Women's Single User Toilet Room -Inaccessible
30.6.a The toilet room contains a number of inaccessible elements and is not accessible to people with disabilities. There is no signage directing people with disabilities to the accessible toilet rooms. TR17 24 months


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