ATTACHMENT K: Program Access in Existing Facilities

Please Note: Paragraph 48 of the Agreement requires that within three months of the effective date of this Agreement, the City will provide signage as necessary to comply with 28 C.F.R. § 35.163(b), after having surveyed all facilities that are the subject of this Agreement for the purpose of identifying those that have multiple entrances not all of which are accessible.

The technical requirements and, where appropriate, the scoping requirements of the Standards are used as a guide for determining whether a program or activity held in an existing facility is “readily accessible to and usable by” persons with disabilities and for determining what changes are necessary to make this program or activity accessible if it continues to be provided in the existing facility in question. See 28 C.F.R. §§ 35.150(b)(1), 35.151.

The chart below lists the facilities surveyed by the Department, the access issues identified during the survey, and the actions required to correct the access issues. Required actions are listed using an alphanumeric code. The key to the alphanumeric codes is provided in Attachment M to this Agreement.

In order to ensure that the programs, services, and activities housed in the City’s facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities, when viewed in their entirety, the City will take the actions referenced by the alphanumeric code and described in detail in Attachment M to this Settlement Agreement within the time period specified below, which time period begins to run on the effective date of the Agreement.

Item # Access Issue Required Action Completion Date
1. City Hall & Police Department, located at 120 N. 5th Street    
1.1 Exterior Entrance and Doors: The door is inaccessible because there is a slope of 6.5% within the doorÕs required maneuvering clearance. D13 36 months
1.2 Police Department:    
1.2.a. There is no accessible cell provided. PJ1 36 months
1.2.b The door to cells 2 and 3 are inaccessible because there is a 3 inch high threshold. D22 36 months
1.2.c The door to cells 1-3 are inaccessible because they have an opening width of 29 inches. D25 36 months
1.2.d The lavatory in cells 1-3 are inaccessible because they have twist-type hardware. TR10 36 months
1.2.e The toilet in cells 1-3 are inaccessible because the tops of the seats are 15.5 inches high. SU18 36 months
2. Chamber of Commerce & Community Center, and Municipal Court, located at 307 N. 4th Street    
2.1. Route from parking to Community Center Entrance: The curb ramp is inaccessible because it has a slope of 10% and its flared sides slope 33.5%. AR5 36 months
2.2. Entrance to the Community Center:    
2.2.a The pull side of the door, which is accessed through a front approach, is inaccessible because it has less than 18 inches of clear space on the latch side. D6 36 months
2.2.b The building does not have directional signage posted at inaccessible entrances and does not have the International Symbol of Accessibility posted at accessible entrances. D16 36 months
2.3 Route from On-Street Parking to Entrance of Chamber of Commerce:    
2.3.a The curb ramp is inaccessible because there are no detectable warnings, it slopes 10.5%, and its flared sides have a slope greater than 10%. AR5 36 months
2.3.b The route from the curb ramp to the entrance is inaccessible because it has a slope of up to 9.2%. AR1 36 months
2.4. Exterior Entrance to the Chamber of Commerce:    
2.4.a. The pull side of the door, which is accessed through a front approach, is inaccessible because it has less than 18 inches of clear space on the latch sde. D6 36 months
2.4.b The door is inaccessible because there is a slope of 5.6% within the doorÕs required maneuvering clearance. D13 36 months
2.5 Toilet Room with Stalls (Men): The toilet room contains a number of inaccessible elements and is not accessible to people with disabilities. ST14 36 months
2.6 Toilet Room with Stalls (Women): The toilet room contains a number of inaccessible elements and is not accessible to people with disabilities. ST14 36 months
3. Historical Society Museum, located at 236 S. Commerce St.    
3.1. Parking:    
3.1.a The parking lot, with a total of 3 parking spaces, is inaccessible because it is unmarked and is not firm, stable, and slip resistant. This lot requires 1 van accessible space. P3 36 months
3.1.b The designated accessible parking is inaccessible because the sign is mounted too low, and does not have a van accessible sign. P6 36 months
3.2. Route from Designated Accessible Parking Space to Entrance: The route from the designated accessible parking to the built-up curb ramp is inaccessible because the surface is not firm, stable, and slip resistant. AR1 36 months
3.3. Ramp located next to designated accessible parking space: The built-up curb ramp is inaccessible because it has a slope of up to 16.6% and no flared sides. AR5 36 months
3.4. Entrance:    
3.4.a. The building does not have directional signage posted at inaccessible entrances and does not have the International Symbol of Accessibility posted at accessible entrances. D16 36 months
3.4.b. The main entrance door is inaccessible because there are 3 steps within the doorÕs required maneuvering clearance. D13 36 months
3.4.c The main entrance door is inaccessible because it has an opening width of 28 inches. D25 36 months
3.4.d The door to the quilt room is inaccessible because there is a step within the doorÕs required maneuvering clearance. D13 36 months
3.5. Route to the Gazebo: The route into the gazebo is inaccessible because there is a step at the entrance. AR1 36 months
3.6. Route from the Corner of Fourth & High Streets Located Closest to Lone Star Mall: The route is inaccessible because it has a slope of up to 7.8%, and changes in level at 1.5 inches high. AR1 36 months
3.7. Route from 215 N. Fourth Street Located Closest to Modern Nails: The route is inaccessible because it has a slope of up to 6.4%. AR1 36 months
3.8. Route from Fourth Street Located Closest to Subway Restaurant: The route is inaccessible because it has a cross slope of up to 5.7%. AR1 36 months

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