Reaching Out to Customers With Disabilities: Lesson 9 Enforcement of the ADAA man measures an incline with a ruler and level

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Regulatory provisions

Summary of Lesson Nine

People with disabilities can bring lawsuits in federal court and obtain court orders to stop ADA violations.

People with disabilities can also file complaints with the Department of Justice, which can investigate and attempt to resolve the complaint.

The Department of Justice is also authorized to bring ADA lawsuits in federal court.

Some states have laws similar to the ADA, but they are enforced in the state’s court system or by local civil rights commissions.

Some business and trade associations give advice on where to find legal assistance or practical help in solving ADA problems.

The best way to prevent an ADA lawsuit is to learn about the law, continually educate staff about their responsibilities, and take ongoing actions to comply.


1. How is the ADA enforced?

2. Who can file an ADA lawsuit?

3. Whom would you consult if someone claimed that you were violating the ADA?

4. What can you do to avoid an ADA lawsuit?

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