Settlement Agreement between the United States of America and the City of Niagara Falls, New York


The Department of Justice initiated a compliance review of the City of Niagara Falls, New York, in 1999. On-site surveys of City programs, services, activities, and facilities were conducted in May 2000 and October 2004. The agreement covers programs and services housed in the following facilities: Sal Maglie Stadium, City Hall, Hyde Park - Golf Course Clubhouse, 95th Street Recreation Center, Bridge Street Fire Station, Community Development Building, Department of Public Works, Earl W. Brydges Public Library, Fire Station No. 7, Fire Station No. 8, Gluck Park, Hyde Park, Duck Island Senior Citizens Park, John Duke Senior Citizen Center, La Salle Public Library, Rainbow Ramp Parking Garage, RV Parking Lot - City Lot # 4, Niagara Falls Arts and Cultural Center, and Niagara Falls Police Substation. The Department also reviewed the City's polling places, emergency management procedures, employment policies, sidewalks, and its 9-1-1 emergency services. City government officials worked cooperatively with the Department throughout the investigation in order to reach a settlement agreement.

The physical changes and the signs noted below are not required at every facility. The text of the settlement agreement specifies where modifications will be made.

The County has agreed to:

The settlement agreement will remain in effect for 3 years from July 30, 2009.


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