Please Note: Paragraph 52 of the Settlement Agreement requires that within three months of the effective date of this Agreement, the City will provide signage as necessary to comply with 28 C.F.R. § 35.163(b), after having surveyed all facilities that are the subject of this Agreement for the purpose of identifying those that have multiple entrances not all of which are accessible.
In order to ensure that the following spaces and elements in City facilities, for which construction was commenced after January 26, 1992, are readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, the City will take the following actions:
(1) The toilet centerline is 16 inches from the side wall. Provide a toilet with a centerline that is 18 inches from the near side wall. Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.17.3, Fig. 30. (1)
(2) The flush control is on the closed side. Provide a flush control mounted on the "open" side of the toilet's clear floor space; 44 inches or less above the finished floor; and requiring a maximum of 5 pounds of force to operate; or provide an automatic flush device. Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.16.5, 4.17.2, 4.27.4.
(3) No accessible coat hook has been provided. Provide a coat hook at a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair. Standards §§ 4.1.3(12)(a), 4.25.2, 4.25.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.
(1) The toilet centerline is 15 inches from the side wall. Provide a toilet with a centerline that is 18 inches from the near side wall. Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.17.3, Fig. 30.
1. Shifting a toilet a small distance to comply with the centerline requirement need not be expensive. The important factor is maintaining the correct distance between the side grab bar and the toilet. Options include moving the partition on which the grab bar is mounted or installing an offset flange to shift the toilet. Another option is to mount the grab bar on a board attached to the side wall or partition. The board must extend 1 ½ inches below the grab bar and 18 inches above the grab bar to achieve the appropriate distance between the toilet and grab bar.