Attachment L: Access to County Programs Housed in Others’ Facilities

1.     Within 3 months of the effective date of this Agreement, the County will request that the owner of each of the following facilities make the following modifications to that facility.  The request will specify that the modifications be completed within one year of the request.  The County will simultaneously send a courtesy copy of each request to the Department.

2.     Courthouse Plaza 1, located at 2100 Clarendon Boulevard.

a.     Parking

i.     In the outdoor parking lot, there are no parking spaces designated as van accessible.  On the shortest accessible route to an accessible building entrance, provide at least 1 van accessible space designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  Van accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 96 inches wide and shall have an additional “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6, 4.30.7(1).

ii.     Parking garage level G1 has no van accessible parking spaces, some of the designated accessible spaces have no access aisles, and the vertical signs designating the spaces as accessible are mounted too low.  On the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance, provide at least 1 van accessible space designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  Standard accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 60 inches wide.  Van accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 96 inches wide.  All spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities shall have vertical signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that they cannot be obstructed by parked vehicles.  Van accessible spaces shall have an additional “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6, 4.30.7(1).

b.     Accessible Route

i.     The route from the accessible parking space closest to Courthouse Plaza 1 to the building entrance has a cross slope near the parking space of 6.4%.  Provide at least one accessible route within the boundary of the site connecting these elements that, to the maximum extent feasible, coincides with the route for the general public.  The accessible route must have a minimum clear width of 36 inches; have passing spaces at least 60 inches by 60 inches at least every 200 feet; have, in the absence of a curb ramp, ramp, elevator, or platform lift, no level changes in excess of ½ inch vertically; and have a running slope of less than 1:20 (5%) (or have been constructed as a fully accessible ramp) and a cross slope of less than 1:50 (2%).  Standards §§ 4.3, 4.5, Fig. 7.

ii.     The designated accessible door next to the revolving door across from the information counter was locked from the outside at the time of our visit.  Ensure that the entrance is unlocked and fully accessible during the building’s hours of operation.  Standards § 4.14.1.

iii.     The entrance on parking garage level G1 has a 1¼ inch threshold.  Provide a door with a threshold no greater than ¼ inch, or between ¼ inch and ½ inch and beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2.  Standards §§ 4.13.8, 4.5.2.

iv.     The pressure required to open the entrance door on parking garage level G1 is 6 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

v.     There is inadequate edge protection at the bottom of the ramp from the parking to the elevator lobby on garage level G1.  Provide a ramp with edge protection at least 2 inches high at the drop off sides.  Standards §§ 4.3.8, 4.8.

c.     Elevators.  The elevator has no hoistway signage on the 7th floor.  Provide signage at hoistway entrances with raised and Braille floor designations on both jambs such that the centerline of the characters is 60 inches above the finished floor and the characters are 2 inches high.  Standards § 4.10.5, Fig. 20.

d.     Signage.  The signage provided to identify conference rooms is mounted at 68 inches above the finished floor to the center of the sign.  Provide permanent room signage mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door or on the nearest adjacent wall at a height of 60 inches above the finished floor to the centerline of the sign; and located so that a person may approach within 3 inches of the signage without encountering protruding objects or standing within the swing of a door.  Standards §§ 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.

e.     Alarms.  Although the facility contains an emergency alarm system, visual alarms are not provided in all hallways, corridors, meeting rooms, lobbies, or toilet rooms; and the visual alarms that are provided are mounted too high.  Provide visual alarm devices in toilet rooms and any other general usage areas (e.g., meeting rooms), hallways, lobbies, and any other area for common use.  Such devices shall be integrated into the facility alarm system and shall meet the requirements of the Standards for lamp type, color, pulse duration, intensity, and flash rate.  Visual alarm appliances shall be placed 80 inches above the highest floor level within the space or 6 inches below the ceiling, whichever is lower.  Visual alarm appliances shall be located such that no place in any room or space, including common corridors or hallways, required to have a visual alarm appliance shall be more than 50 feet from the signal.  In large rooms and spaces exceeding 100 feet across, without obstructions 6 feet above the finished floor, devices may be placed around the perimeter, spaced a maximum of 100 feet apart, in lieu of suspending appliances from the ceiling.  Standards § 4.28.3.

f.     9th Floor Break Room

i.     The paper towel dispenser is mounted 60 inches above the finished floor over the counter.  Provide a paper towel dispenser such that the controls comply with Fig. 5 for a forward reach or with Fig. 6 for a side reach and such that it is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach, respectively, by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.27.2, 4.27.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

ii.     The highest operable part of the Fresh To You vending machine is too high.  Provide an accessible vending machine with the highest operable part no more than 48 inches above the finished floor for a front approach or no more than 54 inches above the finished floor for a side approach.  Standards §§ 5.8, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

iii.     The tables only provide 6 inches of knee depth.  Provide at least one table with knee space at least 27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 19 inches deep.  Standards § 4.32.3.

g.     Drinking Fountains.  The controls on the drinking fountains on each floor require more than 10 pounds of force to operate.  Provide a drinking fountain with controls mounted on or near the front edge that are operable with one hand, that require 5 lbf or less to operate, and that can be operated without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.  Standards §§ 4.15.4, 4.27.4.

h.     Telephones

i.     The lower lobby telephone has a cord that is only 27 inches long.  Provide an accessible telephone with a cord of at least 29 inches long from the telephone to the handset.  Standards §§ 4.31, 4.30.7(2).

ii.     The telephone outside room 314 has a cord that is only 27 inches long.  Provide an accessible telephone with a cord of at least 29 inches long from the telephone to the handset.  Standards §§ 4.31, 4.30.7(2).

iii.     The telephone in the large conference room on the 9th floor (room 9125-9126) is mounted so that the highest control is 58 inches above the finished floor.  Provide an accessible telephone with a clear floor space of at least 30 inches by 48 inches that allows either a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair with the highest operable part of the telephone mounted no more than 48 inches above the floor for a front approach or no more than 54 inches above the floor for a side approach.  Standards §§ 4.31, 4.30.7(2).

iv.     The 888-2-Pay-Tax telephone is not hearing aid compatible and does not have volume control.  Provide an accessible 888-2-Pay-Tax telephone that is hearing aid compatible and has a volume control mechanism.  Standards §§ 4.31, 4.30.7(2).

i.     Toilet Rooms with Stalls

i.     There is no signage at inaccessible toilet rooms directing people with disabilities to the accessible toilet rooms, and there is no International Symbol of Accessibility provided at the accessible 4th floor men’s toilet room.  Provide accessible directional signage with the International Symbol of Accessibility at inaccessible toilet rooms indicating the location of the nearest accessible toilet room, and provide accessible signage with the International Symbol of Accessibility at all accessible toilet rooms.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.1.6(3)(e)(iii), 4.30.1, 4.30.2, 4.30.3, 4.30.5, 4.30.7.

ii.     The 3rd floor and 2nd floor toilet rooms do not have accessible signage.  Provide a toilet room sign at each room with the International Symbol of Accessibility and raised and Braille characters.  Ensure that the sign is mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign at 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6, 4.30.7.

iii.     The urinal in each men’s toilet room does not have an elongated rim.  Provide a urinal in each toilet room with an elongated rim mounted 17 inches or less above the finished floor, a clear floor space of at least 30 inches wide and 48 inches deep centered on the urinal, and a flush control height of 44 inches or less above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.18.2, 4.18.3, 4.18.4.

iv.     The purse shelf in each women’s designated accessible stall is mounted with a 54 inch high reach and only a forward approach.   Provide a purse shelf with a maximum reach height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.27.2, 4.27.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

v.     In the 5th floor and the 4th floor men’s toilet rooms, the top of the toilet seat in the designated accessible stall is 20 inches above the finished floor.  Provide a toilet in each room with a seat that measures 17 to 19 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.17.2, Fig. 30(d).

vi.     In the 6th floor, the 5th floor, and the 3rd floor women’s toilet rooms, the centerline of the designated accessible toilet measures 19 inches from the side wall.  Provide a toilet in each room with a centerline that measures 18 inches from the near side wall.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30.

vii.     The side grab bar at the designated accessible toilet in the 3rd floor men’s toilet room is mounted 13 inches from the rear wall.  Provide a side grab bar that is at least 40 inches in overall length, with the far end mounted at least 52 inches from the rear wall and the closer end 12 inches or less from the rear wall.  Standards § 4.17.6, Figs. 30(a), (d).

viii.     The toilet paper dispensers in the designated accessible stalls in the 4th floor and the 3rd floor men’s toilet rooms are mounted 43 inches and 41 inches from the rear wall.  Provide a toilet paper dispenser in each room that is mounted with its top at least 1½ inches under the side grab bar and 36 inches or less from the rear wall and is centered at least 19 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30(d).

ix.     The rear grab bar at the designated accessible toilet in the 2nd floor men’s toilet room is mounted 7 inches from the side wall.  Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall.  Standards § 4.17.6, Fig. 30.

j.     Counters

i.     The lowered portion of the lobby information counter is only 34½ inches wide.  Provide a counter on an accessible route such that a portion of the counter is at least 36 inches wide and no more than 36 inches above the finished floor, or provide an auxiliary counter with a maximum height of 36 inches in close proximity to the main counter, or provide equivalent facilitation.   Equivalent facilitation may be provided in the form of a folding shelf attached to the main counter, an auxiliary table nearby, a clip board made available to the public, or other means.  Standards §§ 7.2(2), 4.3.

ii.     The main information counter protrudes into the main walkway in the lobby and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at this location such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

iii.     The counter in Suite 700 is 42¾ inches high.  Provide a counter on an accessible route such that a portion of the counter is at least 36 inches wide and no more than 36 inches above the finished floor, or provide an auxiliary counter with a maximum height of 36 inches in close proximity to the main counter, or provide equivalent facilitation.   Equivalent facilitation may be provided in the form of a folding shelf attached to the main counter, an auxiliary table nearby, a clip board made available to the public, or other means.  Standards §§ 7.2(2), 4.3.

iv.     The counter in Suite 710 is 41½ inches high.  Provide a counter on an accessible route such that a portion of the counter is at least 36 inches wide and no more than 36 inches above the finished floor, or provide an auxiliary counter with a maximum height of 36 inches in close proximity to the main counter, or provide equivalent facilitation.   Equivalent facilitation may be provided in the form of a folding shelf attached to the main counter, an auxiliary table nearby, a clip board made available to the public, or other means.  Standards §§ 7.2(2), 4.3.

v.     The counter in Suite 710 protrudes into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at this location such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

vi.     The counter in Suite 608 is 42 inches high.  Provide a counter on an accessible route such that a portion of the counter is at least 36 inches wide and no more than 36 inches above the finished floor, or provide an auxiliary counter with a maximum height of 36 inches in close proximity to the main counter, or provide equivalent facilitation.   Equivalent facilitation may be provided in the form of a folding shelf attached to the main counter, an auxiliary table nearby, a clip board made available to the public, or other means.  Standards §§ 7.2(2), 4.3.

vii.     The counter in Suite 511 is 50½ inches high.  Provide a counter on an accessible route such that a portion of the counter is at least 36 inches wide and no more than 36 inches above the finished floor, or provide an auxiliary counter with a maximum height of 36 inches in close proximity to the main counter, or provide equivalent facilitation.   Equivalent facilitation may be provided in the form of a folding shelf attached to the main counter, an auxiliary table nearby, a clip board made available to the public, or other means.  Standards §§ 7.2(2), 4.3.

viii.     The counters across from the Director’s Office and across from Stair No. 3 in Suite 414 protrude into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at these locations such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

ix.     The Vehicle Registration counter (Room 218) is 42 inches high.  Provide a counter on an accessible route such that a portion of the counter is at least 36 inches wide and no more than 36 inches above the finished floor, or provide an auxiliary counter with a maximum height of 36 inches in close proximity to the main counter, or provide equivalent facilitation.   Equivalent facilitation may be provided in the form of a folding shelf attached to the main counter, an auxiliary table nearby, a clip board made available to the public, or other means.  Standards §§ 7.2(2), 4.3.

x.     The Compliance Division counter (Room 217) is 42½ inches high.  Provide a counter on an accessible route such that a portion of the counter is at least 36 inches wide and no more than 36 inches above the finished floor, or provide an auxiliary counter with a maximum height of 36 inches in close proximity to the main counter, or provide equivalent facilitation.   Equivalent facilitation may be provided in the form of a folding shelf attached to the main counter, an auxiliary table nearby, a clip board made available to the public, or other means.  Standards §§ 7.2(2), 4.3.

xi.     The Suite 213 and 215 counters are 43½ inches high.  Provide a counter on an accessible route such that a portion of the counter is at least 36 inches wide and no more than 36 inches above the finished floor, or provide an auxiliary counter with a maximum height of 36 inches in close proximity to the main counter, or provide equivalent facilitation.   Equivalent facilitation may be provided in the form of a folding shelf attached to the main counter, an auxiliary table nearby, a clip board made available to the public, or other means.  Standards §§ 7.2(2), 4.3.

k.     Form Displays

i.     The transportation information pamphlets, seniors pamphlets, and job openings pamphlets displays in the main lobby are mounted too high.  Provide pamphlets a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

ii.     The tax form display outside Suite 210 is mounted too high and over chairs.  Provide tax forms a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

l.     Accessible Route.  The path from Stair No. 3 to the back of Suite 414 contains a portion that is only 30 inches wide.  Provide an accessible route in this area with a minimum clear width of 36 inches, except at doors, where the width may decrease to 32 inches.  Standards §§ 4.3.3, 4.13.5.

m.     Doors

i.     The pressure required to open the door to Suite 700 is 13 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

ii.     The pressure required to open the door to Suite 608 is 11 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

iii.     The pressure required to open the door to Suite 600 is 7 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

iv.     The pressure required to open the door to Suite 611 is 12 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

v.     The pressure required to open the door to Suite 406 is 9 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

vi.     The pressure required to open the door to Suite 414 is 10 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

vii.     The pressure required to open the door to the County Manger’s Office is 10 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

viii.     The pressure required to open the door to Suite 300 is 12 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

ix.     The pressure required to open the door to Suite 314 is 11 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

x.     The conference room doors in Suite 300 contains knob hardware.  Provide a door with hardware that is easy to grasp with one hand and that does not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist to operate.  Lever-operated mechanisms, push-type mechanisms, and U-shaped handles are acceptable designs.  Standards § 4.13.9.

xi.     The cubicle doors in Suite 414 and in the absentee voting rooms have a clear width of only 30 inches.  Provide doors with a clear opening of 32 inches with the door open 90 degrees, measured between the face of the door and the opposite stop.  Standards § 4.13.5, Fig. 24.

xii.     The absentee voting room doors contain knob hardware.  Provide a door with hardware that is easy to grasp with one hand and that does not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist to operate.  Lever-operated mechanisms, push-type mechanisms, and U-shaped handles are acceptable designs.  Standards § 4.13.9.

xiii.     The door to the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue, which is accessed through a front approach, has only 12 inches of latch side clearance on the pull side.  On the pull side of the door, provide maneuvering clearance at least 60 inches deep and provide a minimum of 18 inches (24 inches is preferred) of maneuvering clearance on the latch side of the door.  Standards § 4.13.6, Fig. 25(a).

n.     Telephone.  The telephone in conference room 600 is mounted with the highest operable part 63 inches above the finished floor, and there is no volume control.  Provide an accessible telephone with the highest operable part mounted no more than 48 inches above the floor for a front approach or no more than 54 inches above the floor for a side approach; that is hearing aid compatible and has a volume control mechanism.  Standards §§ 4.31, 4.30.7(2).

o.     Computers.  The computer keyboards in Suites 511 and 406 provide only 25½ inches of knee clearance height.  Provide computers on tables or counters that have clear floor space that is 30 inches wide and 48 inches deep, knee clearance at least 27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 19 inches deep, and a writing surface between 28 and 34 inches above the finished floor.  Standards §§, 4.32.

p.     Library.  The last set of book stacks in Suite 406 are only 24 inches apart.  Provide at least 36 inches of clear width between all stacks and provide a clear width of 42 inches between stacks where possible.  Standards § 8.5, Fig. 56.

q.     Signage.  There is no accessible signage provided for Suites 210 or 213.  Provide permanent room signage for these offices with upper case, sans serif or simple serif type letters and numerals, meeting the requirements of the Standards for character height, raised characters, finish and contrast, accompanied by Grade 2 Braille; mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door or on the nearest adjacent wall at a height of 60 inches above the finished floor to the centerline of the sign; and located so that a person may approach within 3 inches of the signage without encountering protruding objects or standing within the swing of a door.  Standards §§ 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.

r.     County Board Room, Suite 307

i.     The pressure required to open the door is 10 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

ii.     The handrails on the ramp to the rear of the dais are only 32½ inches high, do not have sufficient extensions at the top and bottom, and are mounted 2¼ inches from the wall.  Provide handrails that are between 1¼ inches and 1½ inches in diameter and 1½ inches from the wall with a continuous gripping surface along both sides of the ramp, extending at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp parallel with the ground surface.  Ensure that handrails are mounted between 34 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface, with ends rounded or returned smoothly to the floor, wall, or post, and that they do not rotate within their fittings.  Standards § 4.8.5.

s.     Lobby Toilet Rooms with Stalls

i.     The toilet room signs are mounted on the doors and do not have raised characters or Braille.  Provide a toilet room sign for each room with the International Symbol of Accessibility and raised and Braille characters.  Ensure that the sign is mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6, 4.30.7.

ii.     The pressure required to open each door is more than 5 pounds.  Provide a door to each room that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

iii.     The door to each room, which is accessed from the latch side of the door, has only 7 inches of clearance on the push side.  On the push side of each door, provide a clear path of travel for a side approach at least 42 inches wide and at least 24 inches of clear maneuvering space adjacent to the latch side of the door.  Standards § 4.13.6, Fig. 25(c).

iv.     The door to each room has a 1 inch threshold.  Provide a door to each room with a threshold no greater than ¼ inch, or between ¼ inch and ½ inch and beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2.  Standards §§ 4.13.8, 4.5.2.

v.     The seat cover dispenser in each room is mounted with the controls 56 inches above the finished floor.  Provide a seat cover dispenser in each room with the controls a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.27.2, 4.27.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

vi.     The urinal in the men’s toilet room does not have an elongated rim and has only 26 inches of clear width.  Provide a urinal with an elongated rim mounted 17 inches or less above the finished floor, a clear floor space of at least 30 inches wide and 48 inches deep centered on the urinal, and a flush control height of 44 inches or less above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.18.2, 4.18.3, 4.18.4.

vii.     There is no accessible stall provided in either room.  Provide a “standard” accessible toilet stall at least 60 inches wide and at least 59 inches deep (or at least 56 inches deep with a wall-mounted toilet) such that all of the stall’s elements, including stall door, stall door hardware, water closet, size and arrangement, toe clearances, grab bars, controls, and dispensers, comply with the Standards.  Standards §§ 4.13, 4.16, 4.17, 4.26, 4.27, Fig. 30.

3.     Animal Welfare League, located at 2650 S. Arlington Mill Drive.

a.     Parking.  The parking lot was not yet striped, there was only 1 vertical sign designating an accessible parking space, and there was no van accessible signage.  On the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance, provide at least 1 van accessible space and at least 1 standard space designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  Standard accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 60 inches wide.  Van accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 96 inches wide.  All spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities shall have vertical signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that they cannot be obstructed by parked vehicles.  Van accessible spaces shall have an additional “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6, 4.30.7(1).

b.     Accessible Route.  The curb ramp from the parking lot onto the sidewalk has a slope of 12.7% and the flared sides have a slope of 11.3%.  Provide a curb ramp that is at least 36 inches wide, has a maximum slope of 1:12, is located so that it cannot be obstructed by parked vehicles, and has a stable, firm, and slip-resistant surface with a detectable warning extending the full width and depth of the ramp.  If the curb ramp is located where pedestrians must walk across it, provide either flared sides (with a maximum slope of 1:10) or handrails or guardrails to protect against cross traffic.  Standards § 4.3.8, 4.7, Fig. 12.

c.     Alarms.  Although the facility contains an emergency alarm system, there are no visual alarms provided.  Provide visual alarm devices in toilet rooms and any other general usage areas (e.g., meeting rooms), hallways, lobbies, and any other area for common use.  Such devices shall be integrated into the facility alarm system and shall meet the requirements of the Standards for lamp type, color, pulse duration, intensity, and flash rate.  Visual alarm appliances shall be placed 80 inches above the highest floor level within the space or 6 inches below the ceiling, whichever is lower.  Visual alarm appliances shall be located such that no place in any room or space, including common corridors or hallways, required to have a visual alarm appliance shall be more than 50 feet from the signal.  In large rooms and spaces exceeding 100 feet across, without obstructions 6 feet above the finished floor, devices may be placed around the perimeter, spaced a maximum of 100 feet apart, in lieu of suspending appliances from the ceiling.  Standards § 4.28.3.

d.     Single-User Unisex Toilet Rooms

i.     There is no accessible sign provided for either toilet room.  At each toilet room, provide a toilet room sign with raised and Braille characters mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.

ii.     The entry doors to both rooms require 10 pounds of force to open.  At each room, provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

iii.     No accessible mirror has been provided in either toilet room.  In each room, provide a mirror with the bottom edge of its reflecting surface no more than 40 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.19.6.

iv.     The bottom edge of the lavatory apron in each toilet room is 27½ inches above the finished floor.  In each room, provide a lavatory with the top of its rim or counter 34 inches or less above the finished floor; the bottom edge of the apron at least 29 inches above the finished floor; and knee and toe clearances that comply with Fig. 31.  Standards § 4.19.2, Fig. 31.

v.     The lavatory pipes in each toilet room are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  In each room, provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards § 4.19.4.

e.     Education Room Toilet Rooms with Stalls

i.     The toilet room sign for each room is mounted on the door.  At each room, provide a toilet room sign with raised and Braille characters mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.

ii.     The entry door to the men’s toilet room requires 13 pounds of force to open, and the entry door to the women’s toilet room requires 14 pounds of force to open.  At each room, provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

iii.     The cabinets next to the lavatories in both toilet rooms protrude into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at these locations such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

4.     Gateway Park, located at 1300 Lee Highway.

a.     Drinking Fountain.  The wall-mounted drinking fountain by the toilet rooms has 25½ inches of knee space height.  Provide a drinking fountain with clear knee space between the bottom of the apron and the ground of at least 27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 17 to 19 inches deep; and a minimum clear floor space of 30 inches by 48 inches to allow a person in a wheelchair to approach the unit facing forward.  Standards § 4.15.5(1), Figs. 27(a), (b).

b.     Accessible Route

i.     On the terrace level of Gateway Park East, the VDOT meters protrude into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at this location such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

ii.     The telephone protrudes into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at this location such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

c.     Toilet Rooms with Stalls

i.     The toilet room signs are mounted on the doors and have no raised or Braille characters.  For each toilet room, provide a toilet room sign with raised and Braille characters mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.

ii.     The toilet room doors contain 1 inch thresholds.  For each toilet room, provide a door with a threshold no greater than ¼ inch, or between ¼ inch and ½ inch and beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2.  Standards §§ 4.13.8, 4.5.2.

iii.     No accessible coat hook has been provided in the women’s toilet room.  Provide a coat hook at a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.25.2, 4.25.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

iv.     The toilet paper dispensers in the designated accessible stalls in both toilet rooms are mounted above the side grab bar.  Provide a toilet paper dispenser that is mounted with its top at least 1½ inches under the side grab bar and 36 inches or less from the rear wall and is centered at least 19 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30(d).

v.     In the men’s toilet room, the rear grab bar in the designated accessible stall is mounted 9 inches from the side wall, and in the women’s toilet room, the rear grab bar in the designated accessible stall is mounted 8 inches from the side wall.  In each designated accessible stall, provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall.  Standards § 4.17.6, Fig. 30.

vi.     The hand dryers in the men’s and women’s toilet rooms protrude into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at these locations such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

5.     Thomas Jefferson Community Center, located at 3501 S. 2nd Street.

a.     Parking

i.     Although the parking lot has a total of 121 parking spaces (including 62 in the overflow lot), only 3 spaces are designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  On the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance, provide at least 1 van accessible space and 4 standard spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  Standard accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 60 inches wide.  Van accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 96 inches wide.  All spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities shall have vertical signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that they cannot be obstructed by parked vehicles.  Van accessible spaces shall have an additional “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6, 4.30.7(1).

ii.     Two of the vertical signs designated the accessible spaces are too low.  At each space designated as reserved for persons with disabilities, provide a vertical sign with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that it cannot be obstructed by vehicles parked in the space.  Standards §§ 4.6.4, 4.30.7(1).

iii.     The van accessible parking reserved for persons with disabilities lacks the appropriate signage.  At van accessible spaces, provide a “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility such that the sign cannot be obstructed by vehicles parked in the space.  Standards §§ 4.6.4, 4.30.7(1).

b.     Accessible Route

i.     The route from the parking lot onto the sidewalk contains a 1½ inch step onto the curb cut.  Provide at least one accessible route within the boundary of the site connecting these elements that, to the maximum extent feasible, coincides with the route for the general public.  The accessible route must have, in the absence of a curb ramp, ramp, elevator, or platform lift, no level changes in excess of ½ inch vertically; and have a running slope of less than 1:20 (5%) (or have been constructed as a fully accessible ramp) and a cross slope of less than 1:50 (2%).  Standards §§ 4.3, 4.5, Fig. 7.

ii.     The door to the Art Studio (Room 40) has knob hardware.  Provide a door with hardware that is easy to grasp with one hand and that does not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist to operate.  Lever-operated mechanisms, push-type mechanisms, and U-shaped handles are acceptable designs.  Standards § 4.13.9.

iii.     The high portion of the main lobby counter protrudes into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at this location such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

iv.     The route onto the soccer field is not firm, stable or slip resistant.  Provide at least one accessible route within the boundary of the site connecting this element that, to the maximum extent feasible, coincides with the route for the general public.  The accessible route must have a minimum clear width of 36 inches, or a minimum clear width of 42 inches if there is a turn around an obstruction less than 48 inches wide; have passing spaces at least 60 inches by 60 inches at least every 200 feet; have a minimum clear headroom of 80 inches; have a surface that is firm, stable, and slip resistant; have, in the absence of a curb ramp, ramp, elevator, or platform lift, no level changes in excess of ½ inch vertically; and have a running slope of less than 1:20 (5%) (or have been constructed as a fully accessible ramp) and a cross slope of less than 1:50 (2%).  Standards §§ 4.3, 4.5, Fig. 7.

c.     Signage.  The permanent room signs provided have no raised characters or Braille and are not mounted properly.  Provide permanent room signage with upper case, sans serif or simple serif type letters and numerals, meeting the requirements of the Standards for character height, raised characters, finish and contrast, accompanied by Grade 2 Braille; mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door or on the nearest adjacent wall at a height of 60 inches above the finished floor to the centerline of the sign; and located so that a person may approach within 3 inches of the signage without encountering protruding objects or standing within the swing of a door.  Standards §§ 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.

d.     Alarms.  Although the facility contains an emergency alarm system, there are an insufficient number of visual alarms in the main lobby/games area and in the women’s locker room.  Provide visual alarm devices in toilet rooms and any other general usage areas (e.g., meeting rooms), hallways, lobbies, and any other area for common use.  Such devices shall be integrated into the facility alarm system and shall meet the requirements of the Standards for lamp type, color, pulse duration, intensity, and flash rate.  Visual alarm appliances shall be placed 80 inches above the highest floor level within the space or 6 inches below the ceiling, whichever is lower.  Visual alarm appliances shall be located such that no place in any room or space, including common corridors or hallways, required to have a visual alarm appliance shall be more than 50 feet from the signal.  In large rooms and spaces exceeding 100 feet across, without obstructions 6 feet above the finished floor, devices may be placed around the perimeter, spaced a maximum of 100 feet apart, in lieu of suspending appliances from the ceiling.  Standards § 4.28.3.

e.     Telephones

i.     The telephone in the gym has a 35 inch high counter, the highest operable part is 55 inches high, and the cord is 25 inches long.  Provide an accessible telephone with a clear floor space of at least 30 inches by 48 inches that allows either a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair such that bases, enclosures, and fixed seats do not impede approaches to the telephone; with the highest operable part of the telephone mounted no more than 48 inches above the floor for a front approach or no more than 54 inches above the floor for a side approach; that is hearing aid compatible and has a volume control mechanism; with telephone books, if provided, located between 15 and 48 inches above the finished floor for a front approach or between 9 and 54 inches above the finished floor for a side approach; with a cord of at least 29 inches long from the telephone to the handset; and with signage that complies with the Standards.  Standards §§ 4.31, 4.30.7(2).

ii.     The telephone in the lobby has its highest operable part at 55 inches above the finished floor and the cord is 27 inches long.  Provide an accessible telephone with a clear floor space of at least 30 inches by 48 inches that allows either a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair such that bases, enclosures, and fixed seats do not impede approaches to the telephone; with the highest operable part of the telephone mounted no more than 48 inches above the floor for a front approach or no more than 54 inches above the floor for a side approach; that is hearing aid compatible and has a volume control mechanism; with telephone books, if provided, located between 15 and 48 inches above the finished floor for a front approach or between 9 and 54 inches above the finished floor for a side approach; with a cord of at least 29 inches long from the telephone to the handset; and with signage that complies with the Standards.  Standards §§ 4.31, 4.30.7(2).

iii.     The exterior telephone protrudes into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at this location such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

f.     Drinking Fountains.  Although an accessible drinking fountain is provided, there is no drinking fountain provided for people who have difficulty bending or stooping.  Provide a drinking fountain that is accessible to people who have difficulty bending or stooping.  This can be accommodated by the use of a “hi-lo” fountain; by providing one fountain accessible to those who use wheelchairs and one fountain at a standard height convenient for those who have difficulty bending; by providing a fountain accessible to people who use wheelchairs and a cup dispenser, or by such other means as would achieve the required accessibility for each group of people.  Standards § 4.1.3(10)(a).

g.     Women’s Locker Room [due to occupancy of the men’s locker room, only the women’s locker was reviewed]

i.     The locker room sign is mounted 63 inches above the finished floor.  Provide a locker room sign with raised and Braille characters mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign at 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.

ii.     The locker room entry door has knob hardware.  Provide a door with hardware that is easy to grasp with one hand and that does not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist to operate.  Lever-operated mechanisms, push-type mechanisms, and U-shaped handles are acceptable designs.  Standards § 4.13.9.

iii.     The locker room entry door requires 15 pounds to open.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

iv.     The locker room entry door, which is accessed through a front approach, is inaccessible because it has only 8 inches of clearance on the pull side.  On the pull side of the door, provide maneuvering clearance at least 60 inches deep and provide a minimum of 18 inches (24 inches is preferred) of maneuvering clearance on the latch side of the door.  Standards § 4.13.6, Fig. 25(a).

v.     No accessible mirror has been provided in the lavatory area.  Provide a mirror with the bottom edge of its reflecting surface no more than 40 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.19.6.

vi.     The seat cover dispenser is mounted with the controls 59 inches above the finished floor.  Provide a seat cover dispenser with the controls a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.27.2, 4.27.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

vii.     The bottom edge of the lavatory apron is 27 inches above the finished floor.  Provide a lavatory with the top of its rim or counter 34 inches or less above the finished floor; the bottom edge of the apron at least 29 inches above the finished floor; and knee and toe clearances that comply with Fig. 31.  Standards § 4.19.2, Fig. 31.

viii.     The lavatory pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards § 4.19.4.

ix.     There is no accessible toilet stall provided.  Provide a “standard” accessible toilet stall at least 60 inches wide and at least 59 inches deep (or at least 56 inches deep with a wall-mounted toilet) such that all of the stall’s elements, including stall door, stall door hardware, water closet, size and arrangement, toe clearances, grab bars, controls, and dispensers, comply with the Standards.  Standards §§ 4.13, 4.16, 4.17, 4.26, 4.27, Fig. 30.

x.     The designated accessible shower stall is 41½ inches wide by 36 inches deep, the shower seat does not extend the full length of the stall and is not on the wall opposite the controls, the grab bars are 31 inches high, and the shower controls are 36 inches high and on the rear wall.  Provide a shower in this room that is exactly 36 inches wide and 36 inches deep with a 48 inch long and 36 inch wide clear floor space alongside the shower opening, and an L-shaped shower seat mounted on the wall opposite the controls and extending the full depth of the stall; OR a shower that is at least 30 inches deep and 60 inches wide with no curb or threshold and with a 36 inch deep and 60 inch wide clear floor space at the shower opening.  Ensure that the shower has grab bars, controls, a shower spray unit, and a seat, curb, and enclosure, if provided, that comply fully with the Standards and with Figs. 35, 36, and 37, as applicable.  Standards § 4.21, Figs. 35, 36, 37.

xi.     No accessible coat hook has been provided in the shower area.  Provide a coat hook at a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.25.2, 4.25.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

xii.     The mirror in the dressing area is not mounted low enough to be usable by standing and seated persons.  Provide at least one full-length mirror, measuring at least 18 inches wide by 54 inches high, mounted in a position affording a view to a person on the bench as well as to a person in a standing position.  Standards §§ 4.35, 4.30, 4.26.3, 4.2, 4.3, Fig. 3.

xiii.     The benches in the dressing area are only 9 inches wide and are not attached to the wall.  Provide a 24 inch by 48 inch bench fixed to the wall along the bench’s longer dimension.  Ensure that the bench has sufficient structural strength and is mounted with its surface between 17 inches and 19 inches above the finished floor.  Provide clear floor space alongside the bench to allow a person using a wheelchair to make a parallel transfer onto the bench.  Standards §§ 4.35.4, 4.26.3.

h.     Toilet Rooms with Stalls

i.     The door to the women’s toilet room requires 10 pounds to open, and the door to the men’s toilet room requires 13 pounds to open.  Provide a door to each room that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

ii.     The seat cover dispensers are 62 inches above the finished floor in the women’s toilet room and 61 inches above the finished floor in the men’s toilet room.  Provide a seat cover dispenser in each room with the controls a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.27.2, 4.27.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

iii.     The bottom edge of the lavatory apron is 27 inches high in the women’s toilet room and 26 inches high in the men’s toilet room.  Provide a lavatory in each room with the top of its rim or counter 34 inches or less above the finished floor; the bottom edge of the apron at least 29 inches above the finished floor; and knee and toe clearances that comply with Fig. 31.  Standards § 4.19.2, Fig. 31.

iv.     The lavatory pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards § 4.19.4.

v.     There is no accessible stall provided in either toilet room.  In each toilet room, provide a “standard” accessible toilet stall at least 60 inches wide and at least 59 inches deep (or at least 56 inches deep with a wall-mounted toilet) such that all of the stall’s elements, including stall door, stall door hardware, water closet, size and arrangement, toe clearances, grab bars, controls, and dispensers, comply with the Standards.  Standards §§ 4.13, 4.16, 4.17, 4.26, 4.27, Fig. 30.

vi.     The hand dryers in the men’s and women’s toilet rooms protrude into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at these locations such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

6.     Department of Human Services, located at 3033 Wilson Boulevard.

a.     Parking

i.     In the outdoor parking area, there is no space designated as van-accessible.  At van accessible spaces, provide a “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility such that the sign cannot be obstructed by vehicles parked in the space.  Standards §§ 4.6.4, 4.30.7(1).

ii.     The ramp from the outdoor parking area does not have a handrail extension at the top on the side next to the wall.  Provide handrails with ends rounded or returned smoothly to the floor, wall, or post.  Standards § 4.8.5(6).

iii.     In the parking garage, there is no space designated as van-accessible.  At at least two van accessible spaces, provide a “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility such that the sign cannot be obstructed by vehicles parked in the space.  Standards §§ 4.6.4, 4.30.7(1).

iv.     The ramps from the accessible parking spaces on the 1st and 2nd level of the garage do not have handrails extending 12 inches past the bottom of the ramp.  Provide handrails that extend at least 12 inches beyond the bottom of the ramp parallel with the ground surface. Standards § 4.8.5(2).

b.     Telephones

i.     The cord of the telephone on the 1st floor is 26 inches long and the telephone has no volume control and no signage.  Provide an accessible telephone with a cord of at least 29 inches long from the telephone to the handset; and with volume control and appropriate signage.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(17)(b), 4.31.5(2).

ii.     The coin slot of the telephone on the 7th floor is 55 inches above the finished floor over an obstruction 17½ inches deep.  Provide a telephone such that the controls comply with Fig. 5 for a forward reach or with Fig. 6 for a side reach and such that it is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach, respectively, by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.27.2, 4.27.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

iii.     The cord of the telephone on the 7th floor is 25 inches long and the telephone has no volume control.  Provide an accessible telephone with a cord of at least 29 inches long from the telephone to the handset; and with volume control.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(17)(b), 4.31.5(2).

c.     Elevator.  The door to the emergency communications device requires pinching to open, and the system is not identified by raised symbols and lettering.  Provide a two-way communication system such that it is identified by a raised symbol and lettering located adjacent to the device and the compartment door hardware operates without tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist.  Standards §§ 4.10.14, 4.27.4.

d.     Women’s Toilet Rooms

i.     The pressure required to open the door is more than 5 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

ii.     The toilet flush control is on the closed side.  Provide a flush control mounted on the “open” side of the toilet’s clear floor space; 44 inches or less above the finished floor; and requiring a maximum of 5 pounds of force to operate; or provide an automatic flush device.  Standards §§ 4.16.5, 4.17.2, 4.27.4.

iii.     The toilet paper dispenser is mounted 44 inches from the rear wall.  Provide a toilet paper dispenser that is mounted with its top at least 1½ inches under the side grab bar and 36 inches or less from the rear wall and is centered at least 19 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30(d).

e.     Men’s Toilet Rooms

i.     The pressure required to open the door is more than 5 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

ii.     The toilet flush control is on the closed side.  Provide a flush control mounted on the “open” side of the toilet’s clear floor space; 44 inches or less above the finished floor; and requiring a maximum of 5 pounds of force to operate; or provide an automatic flush device.  Standards §§ 4.16.5, 4.17.2, 4.27.4.

f.     Unisex Toilet Room – 7th Floor

i.     The pressure required to open the door is more than 5 pounds.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

ii.     No accessible coat hook has been provided.  Provide a coat hook at a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.25.2, 4.25.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

iii.     No accessible mirror has been provided.  Provide a mirror with the bottom edge of its reflecting surface no more than 40 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.19.6.

iv.     The toilet’s centerline measures 16 inches from the side wall.  Provide a toilet with a centerline that measures 18 inches from the near side wall.  Standards § 4.16.2, Fig. 28.

7.     Langston-Brown Community Center, located at 2121 Culpepper Street.

a.     Accessible Routes.  The defibrillator mounted in the game room (room 214) protrudes into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at this location such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

b.     Brochures.  The brochures displayed outside the senior center are too high.  Provide brochures a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.25, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

c.     Elevator

i.     The elevator’s hall call buttons are centered 40 inches above the finished floor.  Provide hall (lobby) call buttons with visual signals indicating when each call is registered and when each call is answered.  Ensure that the call buttons are centered at 42 inches above the finished floor, a minimum of ¾ inch in the smallest dimension, with the button designating the up direction on top; that the call buttons are raised or flush; and that objects mounted beneath hall call buttons do not project into the elevator lobby more than 4 inches.  Standards § 4.10.3, Fig. 20.

ii.     The emergency telephone button is at the top of the button panel.  Provide emergency controls, including the emergency alarm and emergency stop, grouped at the bottom of the panel with their centerlines no less than 35 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.10.12, Fig. 23.

iii.     The emergency communications system is not identified by a raised symbol or lettering.  Provide a two-way communication system such that it does not require voice communication, the highest operable part is a maximum of 48 inches above the finished floor of the car, and it is identified by a raised symbol and lettering located adjacent to the device.  Standards § 4.10.14.

d.     Drinking Fountains

i.     Although there are 4 drinking fountains provided on the second floor, there is only 1 accessible drinking fountain.  Provide at least 2 drinking fountains with a spout height no higher than 36 inches, measured from the finished floor or ground surface to the spout outlet; and a spout located at the front of the unit that directs the water flow in a trajectory that is nearly parallel to the front of the unit and is positioned so the flow of water is within 3 inches of the front edge of the fountain and at least 4 inches high.  Ensure that fountain controls are operable with one hand, require 5 lbf or less to operate without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist; and are front mounted or side mounted near the front edge.  Additionally, provide a drinking fountain that is accessible to people who have difficulty bending or stooping.  This can be accommodated by the use of a “hi-lo” fountain; by providing one fountain accessible to those who use wheelchairs and one fountain at a standard height convenient for those who have difficulty bending; by providing a fountain accessible to people who use wheelchairs and a cup dispenser; or by such other means as would achieve the required accessibility for each group of people.  Standards §§ 4.15, 4.27.4, Fig. 27.

ii.     The drinking fountains next to room 112 and next to room 212 protrude into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at these locations such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

e.     Toilet Rooms with Stalls

i.     The entry doors to all of the toilet rooms require more than 5 pounds of force to open.  At each room, provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

ii.     The sanitary napkin and tampon dispensers in both women’s toilet rooms protrude into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at these locations such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

iii.     The toilet paper dispenser in each designated accessible stall is mounted more than 36 inches from the rear wall.  In each accessible stall, provide a toilet paper dispenser that is mounted with its top at least 1½ inches under the side grab bar and 36 inches or less from the rear wall and is centered at least 19 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30(d).

iv.     The side grab bar in each designated accessible stall is mounted 13 inches from the rear wall.  In each accessible stall, provide a side grab bar that is at least 40 inches in overall length, with the far end mounted at least 52 inches from the rear wall and the closer end 12 inches or less from the rear wall.  Standards § 4.17.6, Figs. 30(a), (d).

v.     The rear grab bar in each designated accessible stall is mounted 7 inches from the side wall.  In each accessible stall, provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall.  Standards § 4.17.6, Fig. 30.

f.     Single-User Toilet Rooms

i.     No accessible mirror has been provided in any single-user toilet room.  In each room, provide a mirror with the bottom edge of its reflecting surface no more than 40 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.19.6.

ii.     In the staff toilet room across from room 126, the shelving unit narrows the route to the paper towel dispenser to 22 inches wide.  Provide an accessible route to the paper towel dispenser with a minimum clear width of 36 inches, except at doors, where the width may decrease to 32 inches.  Standards §§ 4.3.3, 4.13.5.

iii.     The sanitary napkin and tampon dispensers in all unisex and women’s single-user toilet rooms protrude into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at these locations such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

iv.     The shower stall in the bathroom across from room 126 has no grab bars.  Provide a shower with grab bars that comply with the Standards, including Fig. 37.  Standards § 4.26, Fig. 37.

v.     The rear grab bars in both single-user toilet rooms in room 203 are mounted 6½ inches from the side wall.  In each room, provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall.  Standards § 4.16.4, Fig. 29.

8.     Arlington Visitors Center, located at 1301 S. Joyce Street.

a.     Drinking Fountain.  Although an accessible drinking fountain is provided, there is no drinking fountain provided for people who have difficulty bending or stooping.  Provide a drinking fountain that is accessible to people who have difficulty bending or stooping.  This can be accommodated by the use of a “hi-lo” fountain; by providing one fountain accessible to those who use wheelchairs and one fountain at a standard height convenient for those who have difficulty bending; by providing a fountain accessible to people who use wheelchairs and a cup dispenser, or by such other means as would achieve the required accessibility for each group of people.  Standards § 4.1.3(10)(a).

b.     Single-User Toilet Rooms

i.     The toilet room signs are mounted on the doors more than 60 inches above the finished floor.  At each room, provide a toilet room sign with raised and Braille characters mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.

ii.     The door to toilet room A requires 13 pounds of force to open and the door to toilet room B requires 14 pounds of force to open.  At each room, provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

iii.     The door to toilet room A, which is accessed through a front approach and which has both a closer and a latch, has only 11½ inches of clearance on the push side.  On the push side of the door, provide maneuvering clearance at least 48 inches deep and provide a minimum of 12 inches of maneuvering clearance on the latch side of the door, or remove the closer or the latch.  Standards § 4.13.6, Fig. 25(a).

iv.     In toilet room A, the toilet flush control is on the closed side.  Provide a flush control mounted on the “open” side of the toilet’s clear floor space; 44 inches or less above the finished floor; and requiring a maximum of 5 pounds of force to operate; or provide an automatic flush device.  Standards §§ 4.16.5, 4.27.4.

v.     The toilet paper dispensers in toilet room A is mounted 44 from the rear wall, and in toilet room B, it is mounted  46 inches from the rear wall.  In each room, provide a toilet paper dispenser that is mounted within reach, with its top at least 1½ inches under the side grab bar, and centered at least 19 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.16.6, Fig. 29(b).

9.     Quincy Park, located at 1021 North Quincy Street.

a.     Parking.  The gravel parking lot has no accessible parking spaces.  On the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance, provide at least 1 van accessible space and 3 standard spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  Ensure that standard accessible spaces are a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 60 inches wide.  Ensure that van accessible spaces are a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 96 inches wide.  At all spaces designated as reserved for persons with disabilities, provide vertical signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that they cannot be obstructed by parked vehicles.  At van accessible spaces, provide an additional “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility.  Ensure that all spaces and access aisles for persons with disabilities are flat and level, with slopes and cross-slopes not exceeding 1:50 in all directions, and that their surfaces are firm, stable, and slip-resistant.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6, 4.30.7(1).

10.     Lee Community Center, located at 5722 Lee Highway.

a.     Entrances.  There is no International Symbol of Accessibility at accessible entrances and no directional signage at inaccessible entrances.  Provide accessible directional signage with the International Symbol of Accessibility at inaccessible entrances directing users to the accessible entrance, and provide accessible signage with the International Symbol of Accessibility at all permanent accessible entrances.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(8)(d), 4.1.3(16)(b), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.13, 4.30.

b.     Accessible Route

i.     The route from the sidewalk to the playground transfer platform is not stable, firm, or slip resistant.  Provide at least one accessible route within the boundary of the site connecting these elements that, to the maximum extent feasible, coincides with the route for the general public.  The accessible route must have a minimum clear width of 36 inches, or a minimum clear width of 42 inches if there is a turn around an obstruction less than 48 inches wide; have passing spaces at least 60 inches by 60 inches at least every 200 feet; have a minimum clear headroom of 80 inches; have a surface that is firm, stable, and slip resistant; have, in the absence of a curb ramp, ramp, elevator, or platform lift, no level changes in excess of ½ inch vertically; and have a running slope of less than 1:20 (5%) (or have been constructed as a fully accessible ramp) and a cross slope of less than 1:50 (2%).  Standards §§ 4.1.3(1), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.3, 4.5, Fig. 7.

ii.     The doors to rooms G101 and G102 require 8 pounds of force to open.  At each room, provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(7)(b), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.13.11(2)(b).

iii.     The door to the Arts and Crafts Room requires 10 pounds of force to open.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(7)(b), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.13.11(2)(b).

iv.     The counter in the Senior Center protrudes into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at this location such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(3), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.4.

c.     Signage.  The sign outside room G100 is mounted on the hinge side of the door.  Provide permanent room signage with upper case, sans serif or simple serif type letters and numerals, meeting the requirements of the Standards for character height, raised characters, finish and contrast, accompanied by Grade 2 Braille; mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door or on the nearest adjacent wall at a height of 60 inches above the finished floor to the centerline of the sign; and located so that a person may approach within 3 inches of the signage without encountering protruding objects or standing within the swing of a door.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.

d.     Interior Ramp to Rooms G101 and G102.  The ramp has a slope of 8.7%, the handrails have no extensions at the bottom, and the handrails are mounted 2½ inches from the wall where they go around the pillars.  Provide a ramp that is at least 36 inches wide with a slope not exceeding 1:12 and a cross slope not exceeding 1:50; with level landings at least as wide as the ramp and 60 inches long at the top and bottom of the ramp.  Provide handrails that are between 1¼ inches and 1½ inches in diameter with a continuous gripping surface along both sides of the ramp, extending at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp parallel with the ground surface.  Ensure that handrails are mounted between 34 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface and 1½ inches from the wall, with ends rounded or returned smoothly to the floor, wall, or post, and that they do not rotate within their fittings.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(1), 4.1.2(2), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.3.8, 4.8.

e.     Drinking Fountains

i.     Although an accessible drinking fountain is provided, there is no drinking fountain provided for people who have difficulty bending or stooping.  Provide a drinking fountain that is accessible to people who have difficulty bending or stooping.  This can be accommodated by the use of a “hi-lo” fountain; by providing one fountain accessible to those who use wheelchairs and one fountain at a standard height convenient for those who have difficulty bending; by providing a fountain accessible to people who use wheelchairs and a cup dispenser, or by such other means as would achieve the required accessibility for each group of people.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(10)(a), 4.1.6(1)(b).

ii.     The drinking fountain in the multi-purpose room protrudes into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide an accessible route at this location such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(3), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.4.

f.     Elevator.  The elevator’s emergency communications system is not identified by raised symbols or lettering.  Provide a two-way communication system such that it does not require voice communication, the highest operable part is a maximum of 48 inches above the finished floor of the car, and it is identified by a raised symbol and lettering located adjacent to the device.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(5), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.10.14.

g.     Telephones.  The telephone by the ground floor entrance has a 27 inch long cord.  Provide an accessible telephone with a cord of at least 29 inches long from the telephone to the handset.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(17), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.31.8.

h.     Brochures.  The brochures located outside the Senior Center and at the top of the 1st floor entrance stairs are mounted too high and placed over benches.  Provide brochures such that they comply with Fig. 5 for a forward reach or with Fig. 6 for a side reach and such that they are accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach, respectively, by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(12), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.25, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.

i.     Single-User Toilet Rooms

i.     The toilet room door in the multi-purpose room requires 12 pounds of force to open and the toilet room door by F207 requires 9 pounds of force to open.  At each room, provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(7)(b), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.13.11(2)(b).

ii.     No accessible mirror has been provided in either single-user toilet room.  In each room, provide a mirror with the bottom edge of its reflecting surface no more than 40 inches above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.22.6, 4.19.6.

iii.     The toilet centerline in the single-user toilet room in the multi-purpose room is 17 inches from the wall, and in the single-user toilet room by F207, it  is 19 inches from the wall.  In each room, provide a toilet with a centerline that measures 18 inches from the near side wall.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.22.4, 4.16.2, Fig. 28.

iv.     The toilet paper dispensers in both single-user toilet rooms are mounted above the side grab bar.  In each room, provide a toilet paper dispenser that is mounted within reach, with its top at least 1½ inches under the side grab bar, and centered at least 19 inches above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.22.4, 4.16.6, Fig. 29(b).

v.     The side grab bar in the single-user toilet room by F207 is mounted 2¼ inches from the side wall.  Provide grab bars such that there is 1½ inches between the grab bar and the wall.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.22.4, 4.16.4, 4.26.2, Fig. 39.

vi.     The rear grab in the single-user toilet room by F207 is mounted 8 inches from the side wall.  Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.22.4, 4.16.4, Fig. 29.

j.     Toilet Rooms with Stalls

i.     The men’s toilet room door requires 10 pounds of force to open and the women’s toilet room door requires 11 pounds of force to open.  At each room, provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(7)(b), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.13.11(2)(b).

ii.     No accessible mirror has been provided in either toilet room.  In each room, provide a mirror with the bottom edge of its reflecting surface no more than 40 inches above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.22.6, 4.19.6.

iii.     The urinal in the men’s toilet room is mounted with its rim 20 inches above the finished floor.  Provide a urinal with an elongated rim mounted 17 inches or less above the finished floor, a clear floor space of at least 30 inches wide and 48 inches deep centered on the urinal, and a flush control height of 44 inches or less above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.22.5, 4.18.2, 4.18.3, 4.18.4.

iv.     The centerline of the designated accessible toilet in the women’s room is 17 inches from the side wall.  Provide a toilet with a centerline that measures 18 inches from the near side wall.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.22.4, 4.17.3, Fig. 30.

v.     The toilet paper dispenser in the designated accessible stall in the women’s toilet room is mounted above the side grab bar.  Provide a toilet paper dispenser that is mounted with its top at least 1½ inches under the side grab bar and 36 inches or less from the rear wall and is centered at least 19 inches above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.22.4, 4.17.3, Fig. 30(d).

vi.     The toilet paper dispenser in the designated accessible stall in the men’s toilet room is mounted 38 inches from the rear wall.  Provide a toilet paper dispenser that is mounted with its top at least 1½ inches under the side grab bar and 36 inches or less from the rear wall and is centered at least 19 inches above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.22.4, 4.17.3, Fig. 30(d).

vii.     The rear grab bar in the designated accessible stall in the women’s toilet room is mounted 9 inches from the side wall.  Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.1.6(1)(b), 4.22.4, 4.17.6, Fig. 30.

11.     Columbia Pike Library, located at 816 S. Walter Reed Drive.

a.     Parking.  Although the parking lot has a total of approximately 200 parking spaces, there are only 4 designated accessible spaces, one shared access aisle is only 56 inches wide, and there is no van accessible space.  On the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance, provide at least one van accessible space and at least 5 standard spaces (or at least 6 standard spaces if there are more than 200 total parking spaces) designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  Ensure that standard accessible spaces are a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 60 inches wide.  Ensure that van accessible spaces are a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 96 inches wide.  At all spaces designated as reserved for persons with disabilities, provide vertical signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that they cannot be obstructed by parked vehicles.  At van accessible spaces, provide an additional “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility.  Ensure that all spaces and access aisles for persons with disabilities are flat and level, with slopes and cross-slopes not exceeding 1:50 in all directions, and that their surfaces are firm, stable, and slip-resistant.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6, 4.30.7(1).

b.     Entrance.  The interior main entrance doors requires more than 5 pounds of pressure to open.  Provide a door that requires no more than 5 pounds of force to open.  Standards § 4.13.11(2)(b).

c.     Telephone.  The cord of the lower public telephone is 27 inches long.  Provide an accessible telephone with a cord of at least 29 inches long from the telephone to the handset.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(17)(b), 4.31.5(2).

d.     Platform Lift.  The platform lift requires assistance to use.  Provide a lift at this location that facilitates unassisted entry, operation, and exit from the lift.  Standards § 4.11.3.

e.     Check-Out Counter.  The top of the check-out counter is 40 inches above the finished floor.  Provide at least one check out area such that the counter is on an accessible route at least 36 inches wide and it has a section at least 36 inches wide and no more than 36 inches above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 8.3, 7.2(1).

f.     Magazine Displays.  The magazine display has inaccessible reach ranges.  Provide a magazine display with a minimum of 36 inches of clear width between units and with reach ranges of between 18 inches and 54 inches (maximum height of 48 inches is preferred) above the finished floor.  Standards § 8.4, Fig. 55.

g.     Computer Tables.  The computer tables in the Cyber Center have insufficient knee clearance.  Provide at least one computer in this room on a table or counter that has clear floor space that is 30 inches wide and 48 inches deep, knee clearance at least 27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 19 inches deep, and a writing surface between 28 and 34 inches above the finished floor.  Standards §§, 4.32.

h.     Drinking Fountains.  The drinking fountains on the first and second floors protrude into the main walkway and would not be detectable to a blind person using a cane.  Provide accessible routes at these locations such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.

i.     Toilet Rooms

i.     There is no signage at the inaccessible toilet rooms on the 2nd floor directing people with disabilities to the accessible toilet room on the 1st floor.  Provide accessible directional signage with the International Symbol of Accessibility at inaccessible toilet rooms indicating the location of the nearest accessible toilet room.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.1.6(3)(e)(iii), 4.30.1, 4.30.2, 4.30.3, 4.30.5, 4.30.7.

ii.     The toilet room sign on the unisex toilet room is mounted on the door 64 inches above the finished floor.  Provide a toilet room sign mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign at 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6, 4.30.7.

iii.     The door to the unisex toilet room, which is accessed through a front approach, has only 1 inch of maneuvering clearance on the pull side latch side.  On the pull side of the door, provide maneuvering clearance at least 60 inches deep and provide a minimum of 18 inches (24 inches is preferred) of maneuvering clearance on the latch side of the door.  Standards § 4.13.6, Fig. 25(a).

iv.     There is insufficient clear floor space in the unisex toilet room due to the trash cans.  Provide clear floor space at the toilet that complies with Fig. 28.  Standards § 4.16.2, Fig. 28.

v.     The top of the toilet seat is 20 inches above the finished floor.  Provide a toilet with a seat that measures 17 to 19 inches above the finished floor.  Standards § 4.16.3, Fig. 29(b).

vi.     The toilet centerline measures 23 inches from the side wall.  Provide a toilet with a centerline that measures 18 inches from the near side wall.  Standards § 4.16.2, Fig. 28.

vii.     The side grab bar at the toilet is only 36 inches long.  Provide a side grab bar that is at least 42 inches in overall length, with the far end mounted at least 54 inches from the rear wall and the closer end 12 inches or less from the rear wall.  Standards § 4.16.4, Fig. 29(b).

12.     Carver Recreation Center, located at 1415 S. Queen Street.

a.     Parking

i.     There is no van accessible parking space provided.  On the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance, provide at least one van accessible space a minimum of 96 inches wide, served by an access aisle at least 96 inches wide, with a vertical sign with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that it cannot be obstructed by parked vehicles, and with an additional “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6, 4.30.7(1).

ii.     One of the signs designating the parking spaces as accessible is too low.  At each space designated as reserved for persons with disabilities, provide a vertical sign with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that it cannot be obstructed by vehicles parked in the space.  Standards §§ 4.6.4, 4.30.7(1).

b.     Accessible Route

i.     The route from the accessible parking to the designated accessible entrance ramp contains a grating with a 1 inch step on either side.  Provide at least one accessible route from the accessible parking into the facility that, to the maximum extent feasible, coincides with the route for the general public.  The accessible route must have a minimum clear width of 36 inches, or a minimum clear width of 42 inches if there is a turn around an obstruction less than 48 inches wide; have passing spaces at least 60 inches by 60 inches at least every 200 feet; have a minimum clear headroom of 80 inches; have a surface that is firm, stable, and slip resistant; have, in the absence of a curb ramp, ramp, elevator, or platform lift, no level changes in excess of ½ inch vertically; and have a running slope of less than 1:20 (5%) (or have been constructed as a fully accessible ramp) and a cross slope of less than 1:50 (2%).  Standards §§ 4.3, 4.5, Fig. 7.

ii.     The designated accessible (shallower) ramp to the entrance does not have handrail extensions at the top, and the ends of the handrails are not rounded or returned smoothly to the floor, wall or post.  Provide handrails that are between 1¼ inches and 1½ inches in diameter such that the inside handrail is continuous and both handrails have a continuous gripping surface along both sides of the ramp extending at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp parallel with the ground surface; the handrails do not rotate within their fittings; and both handrails are mounted between 34 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface, with ends rounded or returned smoothly to the floor, wall, or post.  Standards § 4.8.5.

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