Key to Understanding Detailed CBA Chart (Requirement)
These charts summarize details for requirements and facilities. The first table is the familiar breakdown of what is in our report: NPV, Total User Benefits, and Total Requirement Costs and top drivers of each. The succeeding tables contain most of the specific information for understanding each requirement. This document summarizes the key information cells.
Requirement Data
Header Section
- Top left corner: Requirement index from DOJ, and then below that is the new, renumbered index number (as used in the Model and the report)
- % BR: The percent of elements that undergo BR (based on readily achievable and safe harbor scenario.
- % Alt: The percent of elements that undergo Alt (based on readily achievable and safe harbor scenario.
- Middle column: Requirement name is listed with details below it regarding whether it is revised and more/less stringent
- Cost BR, Cost Alt, Cost NC: most likely unit costs for each type of construction
- VOT factor: Value of time / hr
- Time Savings (min): Most likely time savings per use
- Use per hour / Use per visit: depending on what type of requirement, these variables multiply with time savings to produce the total time savings per visit
- Time savings per visit: equal to Time Savings (min)* uses per hour/visit (in hours)
- Elem Likelihood: the likelihood that this element is at a facility. The likelihood adjusts the total number of elements that require compliance across all facilities. For example, some stores have ATM machines, but not all.
- Space BR/Alt, Space NC: Most likely sf of space lost/gained by type of construction
- O&M%: Operation and maintenance cost (as a % of capital cost)
- Benef Likelihood: the likelihood that a person with a disability would realize the benefits during a visit (this includes having conditions in place to realize the access time reduction. For example, some requirements could cause increased waiting. Not every use will involve an incremental waiting time.
- Replace: the frequency with which an element needs replacement. Default is 40 years, the alterations schedule. This is standard for all facilities.
Data Section: Results are provided for each facility
- #: ID number
- Index: A – VV are the labels for facilities
- Facility: Name of facility
- BR: Total discounted barrier removal capital cost
- Alt: Total discounted alterations capital cost
- NC: Total discounted new construction capital cost
- OM: Total discounted OM cost
- Space: Total discounted loss of productive space cost
- Replace: Total discounted replacement cost
- SV: Total discounted salvage value cost (if necessary)
- Benf: Total discounted benefits
- NPV: Net present value
- Elements: Number of elements in each facility
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